chapter thirty nine

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"HAPPY NEW YEAR!" Everyone shouted, running towards us to say congratulations.

"NO! THIS CAN'T HAPPEN!" The whole place fell silent and turned around to look at Selena, who was full of rage. "THIS CAN'T HAPPEN! THAT'S SUPPOSE TO BE ME! MY RING, MY BOYFRIEND! GOD RYLIE! YOUR SUCH A BITCH!" I looked at Justin who was still staring at me, I don't even know why he does that sometimes. "Look, Selena, you need to calm down." I heard Pattie say. "no! Get the fuck off me you bitch!" Justin's hand tightened in mine, his jaw clenched together. "Selena, its time for you to go.." Pattie replied, still as calm as ever. I would go over and drag her out myself but, Justin had hold of my hand. "No! I told you to get off me!" She pushed Pattie, sending her across the garden. That was it. I pushed Justin's hand off mine, and rugby tackled Selena to the floor. "Get off me you slut!" She screamed. When will this bitch learn? Her hands and legs flying everywhere. I grabbed both her wrists and pulled her up, dragging her round the front. "What the fuck Selena? Do you have no respect for anyone?" I tried to keep my cool. "Respect? The only person who needs to learn respect is YOU. You took him away Rylie! And I can't get him back!" Her voice started to break. "Selena, I never intended this to happen you know, He loves me, he always has. We've known eachother for years... I think its best if you go.." She stood up and walked towards her car. "This isn't over bitch!" Cameras started to flash at her as she got in the car. I sighed and walked back to where everyone was. Looking at me ring as I walked. I'm getting married. I'm actually doing it. "You okay?" I heard Justin. I looked round to find him sitting next to Pattie, who's head was bleeding. "Ur yeh is she okay?" I walked over and wrapped my arms around her. "I'm so sorry mum, I shouldn't of invited her.." Justin sniffled. "Justin don't blame yourself, you didn't know she was gonna act like this okay? But she's gone so lets just concentrate on your mom?" He nodded, kissing my forhead as he phones the ambulance. "Your gonna be okay sweeite..." I whispered to Pattie. "Rylie?" She chocked out. "Yes babe?" She cupped my face with her hands, I didn't care if they were bloody. "You have my total blessing, I'm glad Justin has you and not her... I love you." Tears streamed down my face. "I love you too mom.." Yeh I called her mom, which made her cry as well. Justin walked back over. "The ambulance is on its-" He looked up from his phone and saw me and Pattie crying together. "What's going on why are you crying?" He rushed over. "Your mom's giving me her blessing..." He looked confused at first, then he just chuckled. "how long till the ambulance arrives?" 

"2 minuets, who's gonna go?" I looked up at Pattie. "I want Rylie to come, we've got alot to talk about anyway.." I kissed her cheek as to say thank you, the ambulance arrived and I stood by Justin. "she's gonna be okay baby, ill phone you if they say anything okay?" He pulled me in for a hug. " I love you so much Rylie.." He whispered in my ear. "I love you so much too baby, thank you.." He pulled away with a confused look. "For what?" I chuckled, pointing at my finger. "No, thank you for saying yes!" He picked me up and turned me around. "See you later princess.." "See you later..." I grabbed my phone and keys just in case we get back late. 


I finally picked up the courage to ask her. I mean, she said yes too! I couldn't be more happier right now. Sounds bad because mom's in hospital but, she gave Rylie her blessing. As soon as Rylie said yes, my whole world changed. And then Selena kicked off. She called my mum a bitch, then she pushed her half way across the fucking garden! I would of gone over and pulled her away myself but, I'm a guy and she'll use it against me so... As soon as Selena pushed mum Rylie literally lunged herself at Selena. I'm not gonna lie but, I've never seen Rylie so angry before. I mean, she'll never show her true anger unless she had to. The kids were there and... But she still did it. After mum was loaded onto the ambulance I headed back inside. Everyone sat there in silence. "She'll be alright Bieber." I looked down to see Jazzy tugging at my trousers. "I know baby girl." I picked her up and sat beside Fredo. "Dude, I can't believe Selena did that.." I heard him say. "Nor can I. I still can't believe Rylie though, she said yes. And she attacked Selena." Everyone chuckled at the last bit. "Bro, even though I'm like her brother, I've never seen her so angry and so defensive before.." I looked over at Chaz who was just sat by himself. "She never shows her true anger.." I chuckled at the thought of her attacking Selena again. "Bro, she's really defensive over your family.." Twist decided to join in on the convosation. "I guess its because she hasn't really got her family to be defensive over... She loves this family, all of it. Including the crew... Like the other day, someone called Scooter a cunt, she just turned around and said 'A cunt? Seriously? Like what the hell? You don't know him, don't judge' I've never seen her so defensive Twist..." To be fair, I haven't. " She just wants everyone to be happy Jay, that's why, she's defensive over everyone's happiness, she doesn't like people to be upset, you know that..." I heard Chaz. Maybe their right? That's why she's so defensive? That's one thing I love about her, she makes sure everyone's happy, she makes me put the fans and my career first, she does the same with her fans too. The room fell silent once again. "So, what's it like to be engaged faggot?" I looked at Ryan who was just sat there. "Urm... To be honest? It feels amazing, I honestly can't wait for the wedding. She's gonna look beautiful.." They all sighed with happiness. "Took you long enough to remember what you was gonna say tho.." I punched Fredo's arm. "What! Its true.." We all chuckled. "Bieber, I'm tired..." I looked at Jazzy who was still layed in my arms. "Okay sweetie, lets get Jaxon and Ill read you a story yeh?" "Yeh!" I ran upstairs with the kids and read them a story. "Bieber I want a true story okay?" I nodded, knowing exactly what I was gonna say. 

"there once was a boy and a girl, they were best friends since little school, but,  he started to get strong feelings about the girl, he was so happy, and soon decided to make her his girlfriend, but things started to change, the boy go a singing career, and had to leave the girl, she ended up living with the boy anyway, but things got tough, the girl had to pretend to break up with the boy so he could date another girl or pretend to, it all got too much, and the girl left for good, 1 and a half years later, and the boy was still in love with the girl he never stopped thinking about her, even if he had a girlfriend, he still remembered the way she looked as she left, a strong smile on her face, but they ended up finding eachother again, in the weirdest place, the girl ended up getting a singing career as well, she sung infront of him, without even knowing he was gonna be there, he fell in love with her all over again, it took the girl a while to realise it was him, after a few months of not seeing eachother, they were both on a show, she sang a song, and he sang his song dedicated to her, they soon started talking, things started falling into place, she joined him on her tour, even though things got tough, she still stayed, and now? Now she's getting married to the same boy who made her smile all those years ago.."

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