Chapter Two

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Chapter 2

"No fricking way. You Skyped with Harry Styles and Liam Payne?!" Corie asked me, shrill. I nodded, trying to seem like it was nothing new.

"You're missing the big picture, Corie. You're touring with them?!"

"A world tour? You're so lucky, Ali!" Sophia finished for Isabel.

"Take lots of pictures. And I want a Prague purse!" Kendall said, throwing an arm over my shoulder. I giggled.

"Of course!" I told her. She grinned.

"I'm going to miss you, kid."

"I'll miss all of you too! But we need to go shopping. I need clothes, asap."

"We just went not even four days ago!" Corie giggled. I frowned.


"You're right. We're teenage girls, we should be at the mall every day." Izzy agreed. Eventually, all the girls complied. So it was set. After school, we would hit the mall one final time before I left with One Direction.


"Alison? Are you all packed?"

"Yes mum."

"The boys are coming by around noon to pick up your bags, and they'll pick you up from school between noon and one. Alright?"

"Alright mum."

"Don't get hurt. Don't go anywhere alone! Be safe. I love you."

"I won't, I won't, I'll try, I love you too."

"Aw, my baby's growing up!"

"I'll Skype you every week."

"You promise?"

"I promise!"

"Thank you honey. I love you!" my mom said, tears forming in the corners of her eyes.

"I love you too. Bye mum!" I said, grabbing my purse and running out the door to catch my bus. I was going to be late if I didn't run to the bus stop.

I made it to the bus on time, and was walking down the halls when our vice principal stopped us.

"Miss Richards?"

"Yes?" I asked her nervously.

"The school is absolutely buzzing about you and your cousin! We are very proud of you both. About homework... You and Liam may be taking the same classes online. We'll email you the assignments. Other than that, have fun on tour! Give Harry a hug for me." She winked, and let us pass.

"Gross." Kendall said, while Izzy made gagging sounds.

"Isn't Harry our age?" Soph asked.

"Yeah, pretty gross." Corie answered.

"I'm going to have to side with you guys for this one, that's not healthy." I agreed. It was 11:30- and I was spending as much time with my girls as possible.

"Old people should not like young people like that."

"It's just wrong. It's like someone graduating dating a baby."


"Disgusting." Corie giggled. Oh, I loved these girls. But I couldn't wait to step out of this school as the sixth, unseen member of One Direction. That's how Liam had described me. It was funny, at the time. Now that I think about it, he must've thought I was stupid, laughing at a stupid joke like that. What if the boys think I'm stupid, and send me home? What if they all hate me and leave me somewhere foreign?

"Ali, I can see you're stressing out. Stop, you'll be fine. The boys will love you. Everyone here does."

"But Kendall, what if they don't? What if they send me home?"

"Whatever's meant to be will be. Remember, we're your rock and we love you, no matter what any famous person thinks." She comforted me. I had to admit, it did calm me down.

"Alison Richards to the office for dismissal please." The emotionless voice droned over the PA. I was suddenly overcome with butterflies.

"I guess this is it." I said quietly. I turned to my girls and we shared a warm hug.

"Love you." The girls said simultaneously.

"Love you too. Skype every week!" I said, before leaving the class and blowing them a kiss. I heard the 'Bye Alison' chants echo from the small classroom through the empty halls. I made my way to the office, shaky and scared. Why was I so stressed?!

"Hello, Alison." The secretary said warmly, before pointing over to the entrance. My face lit up as my eyes met my cousin's.

"Liam!" I cried out before running to him and flinging myself in his arms.

"Hi, Kiddo," He said against my brown hair. His warm breath tickled. "I missed you."

"I missed you too!" I said, tears forming in my eyes.

"Don't cry, you're beautiful. And you haven't grown at all." he remarked. I frowned, he would be insulting me the first two minutes we were together. I was 5'5 and proud.

"That's what you get for being a dancer." I said, grinning into his shoulder.

"Let's sign you out." He said, and grabbed my hand and led me into the office.

"You're Liam Payne!"

"Hello." Liam said calmly to the senior cheerleader waiting in the office. She gave me an envious look, before turning her attention back to Liam.

"Can I have a picture?"

"Of course! Ali, finish this." he said, and followed the girl to the hallway.

"Poor girl." I said quietly, and looked up to see the secretary grinning at me.

"Poor you! If looks could kill, my dear." The secretary told me.

"Good thing they can't. And even if Liam wasn't my cousin, I have no chance against her."

"Well don't second guess yourself kid." He told me, and I smiled at him before finishing signing myself out. "Have a good trip." He smiled, and I waved at him before leading Liam out the door and towards the front of the school.


Meet Kendall! Photo on the side (:

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