Chapter Twenty Six

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Chapter 26

"Wake up Ali!" I heard Harry's voice while I was dreaming.

"No." I groaned, turning over and burying my head in pillows.

"Wake up! It's your birthday!" He cheered.

"I want to stay here."

"No you don't."

"Yes I do. Come here with me." I insisted. He sighed, but layer himself down beside me.

"Any reason why you're being so lazy today?"

"I'm scared to go downstairs." I admitted. He chuckled and kissed me lightly.

"The party isn't until later. We're going out for dinner and then we'll get home and there's your party."


"Me and you."

"Just us?"


"Who else?"

"Louis and Eleanor, Liam and Dani, Ni and Amy, Zayn and Perrie, Lou, Lux, Paul and his wife, all of your friends, Camila and Alex."

"Alex?" I asked.

"Alex is her boyfriend from Paris. How do I know this and you?"

"I guess we lost touch," I sighed. "Is that all?"

"I'm pretty sure." he smiled.

"Couples night." I grinned at my own joke.

"Plus Lux." he said, tapping the tip of my nose.

"Plus Lux," I agreed. "I guess I can go downstairs then."

"Let's go." he said, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of bed.


"Hey, Ali," Eleanor smiled as I opened the door. "Ready for dinner?"

"I guess so." I sighed.

"You 'guess so'? It's your 17th birthday, you should be bouncing off the walls!" She grinned.

"I'm just tired." I admitted. I hoped that she would just drop it, but knowing Eleanor, she would force me to have some fun.

"Well snap out of it, we're going partying tonight!"

"Eleanor..." I warned.


"No. Not happening. I agreed to a small dinner with our friends. That's it. I'm not quite legal yet."

"Ali!" She whined. I rolled my eyes, and she giggled. "I was joking. We're going to a dinner and then coming here." she told me. I already knew that.

"El, you aren't telling her the plans for tonight are you?" Harry asked. I turned, and he winked at me when she wasn't looking.

"What plans?" Eleanor giggled. Harry shrugged and grabbed my hand. "Oh yeah! Louis told me that the fake relationship is now a real relationship! Congratulations." Eleanor grinned. I blushed, and Harry pulled me closer.

"Thanks. Where is Louis, anyway?"

"On his way. Don't worry Harry, you'll be reunited soon." Eleanor laughed, before placing down her coat and joining my mom and Camila in the kitchen.

"I thought she already knew?" I asked Harry.

"I thought so too." He chuckled.

"What were we coming down to do?"

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