Chapter Nine

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Chapter 9

"So..." Harry sighed, grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers.


"What's been going on? I feel like we never even talk anymore."

"Nothing, really. And yeah, me too. What's up with that?"

"No idea. We pretty much live together and we never talk anymore."

"Whenever we talk Louis bounds in and interrupts."

"I guess so." He said, shrugging.

"I can't blame it all on Louis though." I said, correcting myself.

"True." he agreed absently.

"You're so out of it." I murmured.

"You are too." He muttered back. I rolled my eyes and tried to pull my hand back.


"Shh." He hushed me, and yanked me closer to him.

"Harry, we're going to be late."

"Just relax, for once in your life." He grumbled, and pulled me in for a hug. "We'll go get a coffee or something. Oh, wait! You don't drink coffee do you. We'll go to Second Cup." He babbled. I was touched.

"That's really sweet." I blurted, interrupting him. I blushed. "You remembering, I mean. It's nothing really." I blushed.

"I think you're sweet too." he grinned, tapping my nose.

"Why thank you," I curtsied.

"Where's the nearest Second Cup, do you think?"

"Do they even have a Second Cup in Ireland?" I giggled.

"They should."

"Why should they?"

"Because." He grinned. It was silent for a few seconds, and I had Caroline eating at the edges of my mind. Does she hate me for being Harry's public girlfriend? Does she like me for protecting her?

"Harry, does Caroline hate me?"

"Why do you think that?"

"Did I say I thought that?"

"I can tell you think that. Why else would you ask?"

"If I'm curious?"

"Maybe you don't want to know."

"And maybe I do. Please tell me." I begged.

"I'm buying you Second Cup. How much more do you want from me?"


"What do you want?"

"I want to know!"

"No, you goof. From Second Cup."


"That's what makes you beautiful!" Harry sang, concluding the sound check. He made eye contact with me and smiled warmly.

"Good run guys. One more run and you're good to have some free time before seven?" The sound guy called. The boys nodded, and I sipped on my frozen hot chocolate.

The walk to the venue wasn't all that awkward. If anything, it made things between us a bit more natural. He really was a sweet guy, and an even better friend.

I never got an answer to my Caroline question, and I'm beginning to wonder if I ever will. He seems bent on protecting her, so I guess I'll never know. And it kills me to surrender, so I won't.

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