I looked up at Vincent and smiled apologetically.
“Aren’t you going to call your sister?” he asked.
“Yes,” I said, then flipped to the phonebook and searched for her number.
“Hi Amethyst,” she said, as soon as she picked up.
“Hey Shelly,”
“Are you okay?” she asked concerned.
I giggled, “Is there a rule that I can’t call my own sister?”
“If there is, I’ll make sure you’re the first to know it,” She joked.
“Are you working now?”
“Not until another hour. I’m taking photo shoots for the summer collection.”
“That’s awesome. You should rest then,”
“It’s okay. It’s not every day that you call me.”
“Yeah that’s true.”
“So what’s up?”
“Well, I needed a certain someone to say a little something to me, you know for this day and all.” I said, feeling Vincent’s eyes on me.
Shelly laughed. “That’s awfully hard to guess. Do you mind telling me who that someone and what that something is?”
“I mean it, Shelly!”
“Happy sweet 16th birthday, Amethyst,”
“Thank you that was all I wanted to hear … and tell me what you got for me!”
“Haven’t you received it yet?”
“Why would I ask if it’s already here?”
“Well it’ll come by sometimes.”
“Yeah maybe, so are you going to tell me what it is or not?” I asked.
“Well, I can tell you one of the presents,”
“Yeah, I heard that there was more than one but exactly how many?”
“You’ll find out soon enough.” Shelly replied.
“So what’s the one you can tell me?”
“It’s a dress that you’ll love and you’ll be wearing it to a special occasion with me on Saturday.”
“What occasion?”
“Some fancy party in my honor. Friends and families are invited, dress code and all. I’m sorry to torture you with the boring evening, but you have to come with me, okay?”
I laughed. “It’ll be fun,”
“You have to tag along a male date.” She added hastily.
“Did you say what I think I heard or is that my imagination?”
“You heard it right.”
I screamed.
“Chill, you have plenty of time to find a date. It’s not hard, especially for you.”
“It is hard.”
“It’s not and you know it.”
I sighed. “Have you found one yet?”
“I’m going with my co-star, Josh Rite” she replied. “Tell Jacinta and Selena to come as well, the invitations will arrive shortly with the presents.”
“Dress rehearsals in 10.” a metallic voice from the background shouted.
“Alright, I have to go now. They’re starting rehearsal early”
“Bye bye then,”
‘Have fun with whatever.” She mumbled.
All that was left with me was the sound of the dead battery beeping. I switched it off, stuffed it under the pillow then faced Vincent.
“I’m done,” he said when I looked up.
“Um, thank you.”
“You’re welcome,”
I looked over at the clock. It was 7:20.
“Actually, are you hungry?” I asked.
“We should eat.”
“What do you want to eat?”
“Whatever you’re having,” he replied.
“Dinner at our welcoming local Fish & Chips restaurant, my treat,”
“You should change first,”
“Yeah, I was going to. Wait for me downstairs, I’ll be quick.”
“Okay.” He said as he walked out the door and I slammed it shut.
I ran to my wardrobe and pulled out a white tube dress. I nearly got myself buried alive within the clothes as I searched for a black vest. To top it off I wore black flats with bows and silver earrings.
I was tying my hair when I noticed a velvet, red, box on my table.
I lifted it up and opened the small, light box. There was a folded piece of paper in it and a sparkling silver necklace with a plain cross.
I unfolded the paper and started to read it.
Your destiny awaits you Amethyst White.
P.s Only you can save your kind.
We bid you good luck on your dangerous quest.
I shivered.
The last two hand-written lines reminded me of that dreadful nightmare.
I scrunched the paper and tossed it in the bin.
I’ll do whatever it takes to save the people I care about, even if I die.
I hooked the necklace around my neck and shoved it underneath my white top. I walked straight downstairs without any more thoughts.
I saw Vincent and that cleared my mind entirely. He was waiting patiently. I simply walked faster down the stairs.
“Sorry,” I mumbled, knowing I was late.
“Its fine, we should go.” He said as he led me to the door.
Beyond The Stake (2011)
VampirosIntroducing the first book of the Kiss & Tell series! When she turns 16, the fate of the entire world is in her hands… will she be able to live with the pressure? The beautiful, sassy Amethyst White lives a typical life, with all the fun, exciting...