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I was wrong. As I walked into the theater, all I could hear was my phone chiming almost nonstop. The stage director was going over the mechanics of a play when I came in, and I got plenty of looks from them, to which I smiled off.

But as soon as I could, I darted straight to the sound system room and closed the door behind me, taking my phone out of my pocket. 75% of what he was sending was just song lyrics.

Unknown: you don't know oh oh, you don't know you're beautiful [12:02PM]

Unknown: got that summertime summertime sadnessss su-su-summertime summertime sadness [12:03PM]

Unknown: LAALALAlA, ELMO's WoRLD [12:03PM]

Unknown: I'm running out of songs. [12:04PM]

Woozi: Oh my gosh, pls stop, I told you, I'm not Wonwoo, you have the wrong number!! [12:05PM]

I sat down at the desk in front of the mixing board and the computer. I wanted to just get started on writing something, but then my phone chimed before I could even put it down.

Unknown: I know that :) [12:06PM]

What the f*ck? If he knew why was he still even bothering? This guy was weird. And I'm assuming it's a guy because I just can't picture the type of girl to keep bugging a complete stranger like this, knowing that. Actually, I can't picture any person at all who would do that.

Woozi: Why are you still texting me then??? [12:08PM]

Unknown: Because you haven't blocked me yet. [12:08PM]

Unknown: Either you have no friends, or you're weird. i'm trying to be friendly. [12:09PM]

They may have taken a stab in the dark, but they were right, I didn't really have any. I was too 'married to a mixing board' as mom would say--to have that kind of social interaction. And then when I was around people, they always tried to puzzle me out.

They were just like anyone else, I guess, doctors and psychiatrists alike, they were curious. When you hear the words Sound/Sight Synesthesia it sounds like some kind of disease, but it's not really. I mean, of all the things I could have that's 'wrong', it could be worse.

Sounds triggered the image of shapes and colors, while shapes and colors made sounds. Like a yellow car might just be a yellow car, but to me it had a sound, it sounded like a low, deep hum.

So of course people asked questions. Like, 'What do you see here?' 'What color does this sound like?' but after a while that got tiring to try to explain. A lot of it wasn't something that could be put into words.

But do I even need a friend? I've got music, that's enough right?

Unknown: ACCEPT MY FRIENDSHIP :) [12:15PM]

Woozi: ...that's creepy [12:18PM]

Woozi: I don't even know your name. [12:18PM]

Unknown: That's too mainstream for me to properly do shit [12:18PM]

Unknown: Hoshi is my name, if you say it over and over fast, it sounds like 'Oh Shit' :) [12:19PM]

This guy was weird. I was about to tell him as much when I heard a crash outside. Like metal on metal. Dark blue, sharp stars. I threw the phone down on the desk and bolted out of the room. It didn't sound right, no one even went on that road, it was quiet most of the time.

What happened?


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