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Soonyoung looked heartbroken. I knew I shouldn't have said it like that, I'd always been upset when people treated me like I was some sick little kid just because I couldn't see the difference between sight and sound, when they made me seem like some sad mistake.

And the tone I'd used, was a sickly lime green, I'd sounded disgusted with him. How must that make him feel? And I'd said it without so much as a thought.

Soonyoung smiled suddenly, letting out a light chuckle. "I was just kidding, haha... You thought I was being serious?"

His tone was trying to be mirthful, but really, everything about him still seemed sad and upset. He was putting up a front, and it was sad that he felt he had to, just because of some stupid thing I said.

I cleared my throat, "Hoshi...I--"

"Hope you liked the dance I did earlier, yeah? Maybe sometime if you get your music produced, I'd like to dance to it? I think it'd be pretty cool, and I still want to hear you sing it, I think you'd have a nice singing voice." Soonyoung said.

I watched him turn around and start walking down the street, just like the conversation had never happened, and all I could do was stand there with my mouth agape.

I ran a hand through my pastel pink hair, and around the time he'd gone at least a block ahead of me, I ran to catch up with him, which took a while, because even though he hadn't gotten too far, he had longer legs then me and made bigger strides.

"Hoshi!" I said when I caught up to him, walking backwards in front of him.

He didn't look up, just looking at his feet, continuing his walking as if I wasn't even there. And then I could swear, I saw a drop of water drip off his chin. As much as he was seeming to not llook up so I couldn't see his face, I swear, that was a tear--he was crying. He had to be. He wasn't looking at me, he wouldn't say anything, his goodbye was too abrupt.

Once again, I'd f*cked up someone's life. "Soonyoung!" It was weird, as much as I'd found him an annoying, childish, creep, and I'd wanted him to stop, now that he was acting like this, it didn't feel right. If he wasn't acting like his dork self, it felt like something was terribly wrong.

I stopped walking and Soonyoung just pushed past me without a word. What had I done?


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