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Hoshi looked at me confused, than he turned like he was going to walk away. "You're just trying to humiliate me, aren't you?"

I shook my head, not that he could see, with his back to me, but I didn't like the colours I was seeing, not at all, and I wanted to shake them from my head. Then, I got up and grabbed him by the shirt, not caring so much that that was probably awkward. "Hoshi, wait, I won't. I didn't mean it like that, I just wanted to...Sing with you...that's it."

Soonyoung turned around, looking more at where I was gripping his shirt than at me. Seeing that, I blushed and quickly let go of his shirt.

"I don't sing, Jihoon. I tried singing once, I sound terrible, you don't want to hear it." Soonyoung's tone was quiet and emotionless almost, it sounded like beige, a deep shade of beige. "If it's not good enough for the director, it's not going to be good enough for you, especially with that sneezia thing."

I closed my eyes for a second. "Synesthesia. But I want to, Hoshi, just once, let me hear it, It can't be bad. Come on, Hoshi..."

Soonyoung looked off to the floor, chewing his lip. "Dear god, why'd you have to be so cute...?" I heard him mumble under his breath. I would have hit him for calling me cute, but now didn't seem like a good time, though it had definitely crossed my mind. "Why are you calling me that?"

I frowned. "It's your nickname, right?"

Soonyoung shrugged. "Yeah, but I thought you hated me, because I'm..."


"Bisexual, actually... but I thought you hated me because...I love you...and..." Soonyoung cleared his throat, looking anywhere but at me. "You looked disgusted. Is that what you thought? That I'm disgusting?"

I bit my lip. In the moment, I hadn't thought disgusting... At least I hoped I didn't because that would be childish and just hypocritical. I wanted everyone to not regard me as different, to not assume something just because of something I couldn't help.

I swallowed. I hadn't noticed at first, but he'd said it, 'I love you'. It made me feel horribly out of place, like my stomach wasn't in contact with my body, like everything was separate, and I couldn't do much but stand there while everything else wasn't quite making sense.

"Woozi?" Soonyoung asked, trying to catch my eyes as I stared off at the floor. "Are you okay, Jihoon?"

He grabbed my hand and I couldn't breathe, I couldn't even remember how. I hated him for it. I felt like I wanted to kill him for making me feel so helpless, but I couldn't, because that wasn't going to make him feel any better, and then there was the fact that deep down...

I think I like it.

I like it.

Don't ever let go of my hand, Soonyoung, you son of a b*tch.

"No, Hoshi...I'm not disgusted." I say quietly. "Not at all...I Just...I wasn't expecting it...It scared me..."

"Scared? I'm sorry--"

"Don't be sorry... just sing with me..."



It's been forever, what's up?

jk, you wanna kill me, I feel it in my soul :3 because honestly, I set up the minimum of like 300 words for this, I'm just lame if I can't update this, like?

Okay, but I've been stressing over graduation (Not to make excuses, because ewwwww) and I was kinda on hiatus, really, because I haven't touched ANY of my works. Like I haven't even opened them up, I'm not playing O_O

There's no excuse for this, though, just none at all :3


Synesthesia [Woozi+Hoshi]Where stories live. Discover now