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Soonyoung had set up a bed on the floor, and He'd let me have his bed. I almost argued I didn't want to sleep in his bed, because it was Hoshi, and lord knows what the hell could have happened on that bed.

But then I laid down in it, and it smelled like him, a rich cream type smell, and I couldn't get myself out of it, and was getting sucked in by the second, but still arguing with Hoshi I didn't want his bed.

Last thing I remembered was saying, "I'm gonna get out...!" while Soonyoung was laying on his stomach on the makeshift bed on the floor, feet lazily kicking back and forth, scrolling down tumblr on his phone. After that, I was asleep, and I was pretty sure my eyes were closed, even saying that.

Next time I opened my eyes, it was dark, I felt incredibly alone, and it was quiet except for the occasional car going by, the headlights going past the window and throwing light through the cracks in the blinds into the room, making a flickering light show that sounded like notes on a harp as the lights traveled, seemingly cascading down.

In those moments, I could see Hoshi sleeping on the floor for a moment, laying on his stomach and the left side of his face, his phone over by where his hand was. Presumably, he fell asleep scrolling through it after turning out the light.

I Sat up, hugging my knees to my chest, and then I realized why I had woken up. I was cold.

I got out of the bed, my exposed feet suddenly freezing, sending a involuntary shiver through my spine. I didn't really know where anything was, but I'd be damned if I asked Hoshi first, voluntarily waking that guy up.

I crept around, checking cabinets, I couldn't quite remember where Hoshi had gotten the blankets he'd used from, and I wanted to hit myself for my stupidity. I felt, usually, I was a decently observant person, it was hard not to be when everything I looked at had a relating sound. But this time, no, I'd decided that that information was unimportant, didn't even watch Soonyoung, so there was nothing to try to recall.

Begrudgingly, I shuffled back over to Soonyoung, finding my way easier with my eyes adjusted.

I knelt next to him, gently shaking him awake, "Soonyoung...Soonyoung...  Wake up, you over grown sloth..."

Soonyoung only made a noise, no words, "Nhhmmm~"

"Damn it, Soonyoung, get up...!" I said shaking him a little more.

Soonyoung's eyes didn't open, but he swatted at me, "What? What...?"

"I'm cold, where do you keep blankets? Or even the thermostat."

Soonyoung rolled over, pulling his comforter around him tighter, "It's broken, it doesn't do anything."

"Well, extra blankets then."

"I'm using all the extra" He said, pursing his lips at me.

There was a moment of gray silence, then I frowned, "You're kidding."

"Nope~." Soonyoung said, snuggling deeper into his stupid warm puffy comforter.

"You're doing this on purpose."

"I'm not, I'm a single actor, why would i have more than this? What do you think small time actors get paid?"

"Well, what am I supposed to do...! It's cold and I can't get back to sleep..!"

Soonyoung rolled over again, rolling right back to face me, but propping his head up on his hand, his elbow on the floor, "You know what would be smart in an extreme situation like this?"

"Oh, god, please no, don't say it--."

"I'mma say it. We should snuggle."

At that moment, I cringed so much inwardly, it showed on the outside. He had to be kidding. that sounded really warm actually, and I would like to be really warm. BUT, If i did that, then he might assume I liked him. And I mean...maybe I did but he can't know that until i decide he can know that.

Which might be never.

"Oop~ I'mma take that as a yes!" Soonyoung said.

For a second I was confused, next second, I was pulled toward Soonyoung's chest, and I could see absolutely nothing I was pulled so close.

I flailed my arms and legs, trying to get away while I swore like a sailor into his shirt.

"Oh, come on, Wooz, admit it's warm. Ain't it warm? You bet it is. Now get under these covers and stop being a baby, it's just a little human contact, no homo, I swear."

"Yeah, right!!" I said, my voice a soft coral as I yelled into his shirt.

"You're being exactly 6 years old at this moment..."

"NO! You are!"

Soonyoung was quiet for a while, not saying anything, just holding me to him, not tightly, but not giving me enough to allow me to get out of the hold he had on me. It was long enough for me to take notice of how he smelled, to start to enjoy it, almost close my eyes..

But then I snapped myself awake and managed to wiggle myself, give or take, closer, but in a less uncomfortable position.

"Oh, you have got to be kidding me..." I said to myself quietly.

Soonyoung was asleep, breathing softly,  his face peaceful and kind of cute and chubby looking, it sounded like soft humming in my head, like a lullaby.

"Damn it, Soonyoung..." I said, watching him sleep. Which was already something i didn't do, and didn't ever think I would do. But I found myself staring.

and staring.

and still staring.

Snap out of it, Jihoon, he's a weirdo, he just looks like an innocent baby while he sleeps.


a/n: *didn't edit chapter, please tell me if you see stuff*

aye y'all. This chapter is maybe the longest one I've written for this story for far? And lol this was supposed to be a quick story with smol chapters i could easily update but--

idk y'all, i'm doing a lot of studying, and part-time jobbing, and  doctor visits (i has problems you guuuyysss, but I'm ok, i swear) I haven't had too many free minutes to myself? And that kinda makes me sad, because tHE ROMANCE IS STARTING TO HAPPEN AND LAWRD, HERE COME THE FLUFF SCENES!!1!1!!!1!!!11!

btw, sorry if i'm not replying to all comments, my notifs get flooded, but i eventually do READ them all :)


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