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As soon as I was home, I just went straight downstairs to my room and threw myself on the bed.

I stared at the cream ceiling. The sound I heard making me feel a little better, but even that in a way was a sort of lie. I was just trying to distract myself from what I was really thinking, I knew I was.

My phone chimed after a while, almost constantly, had to be that Hoshi person. I looked at it just to keep myself from going crazy.

Unknown: aaargh, why u keep leaving me to talk to myself?? [05:48PM]

Unknown: WOOOZIII!!1!1!! [05:48PM]

I guess I never renamed the contact, I was in such a rush. I renamed it Hoshi before answering.

Woozi: Pls leave me alone. I don't want to talk. [05:50PM]

Hoshi: because your mom's in the hospital?? [05:51PM]

I frowned. How would he know that? He'd have to be there to know that... That was creepy. Was he stalking me or something?

Hoshi: You never accepted my friendship btw, beech [05:52PM]

Hoshi: BOY [05:52PM]

Hoshi: I don't give that to offer to anybody [05:52PM]

Hoshi: bc I'm fabulous [05:53PM]

Woozi: Wait...how do you know about my mom? [05:54PM]

Woozi: Aren't you japanese or something? isn't that kind of far for you to know? [05:54PM]

Hoshi: ...oh...oh my god [05:55PM]

Hoshi: bITCHH, BYE. [05:55PM]

Hoshi: Aren't you chinese or something??? [05:56PM]


Hoshi: the reason I know is the same reason I know you're not Wonwoo [05:57PM]

Hoshi: Simple reasoning, bro. plus you left your phone chiming really loud. [05:57PM]

I sat up on the bed, staring at the message. This guy was either stalking me to the point he was right behind me, or we'd met sometime. I doubted it though, I'd think I'd know if I met this guy personally, or at least, I was pretty sure. But where could he have heard my phone?

Woozi: I don't want to talk. I'm sorry for assuming things. [05:58PM]

Hoshi: Don't go!! are you being sad? Don't be sad. Serious time, I just wanted to make you feel better. I'm not a creeper, I swear. [06:00PM]

Hoshi: but you are super cute and precious ಠ‿↼ [06:01PM]

I frowned. I'm not cute and precious. This guy is a creeper. But at least I wasn't beating myself up over what happened as much.


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