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Woozi: it has been 5 minutes, why am I hearing strange noises coming from the basement????? [09:43PM]

Woozi: There is seriously some loud noise coming from down there, and I'm pretty sure you live alone in here, so I'm just????

Woozi: or, wait, are there people living in the bottom half of this place? Why didn't you tell me that?? [09:44PM]

Woozi: Also, what the hell, all you have in your fridge is yogurt. Are you michael weston or something, or do you watch too much tv? [10:10PM]

Woozi: btw, found all your anime. [10:24PM]

Woozi: It's alphabetized.

Woozi: In japanese.

Woozi: Along with figurines.

Woozi: I'm watching naruto, finally figured out how to get captions on. he reminds me of you in a way, because he's basically an idiot, but he's tolerable and has enough good morals that I don't want him to die. Yet. [10:25PM]

Woozi: ok, but why can't he see how much Hinata idolizes him??

Woozi: and what the heck is wrong with sasuke, and why do all the girls like him, i think he's a moody brat.

Woozi: Kakashi is awesome though[11:42PM]

Woozi: I ate like 7 cups of yogurt, sorry

Woozi: also, where are you???

Woozi: It's getting late...now I'm starting to worry...[12:08AM]

Woozi: Hoshi, did you find the keys, or what? [12:11AM]

Woozi: Hoshi, i see you reading this. [12:47AM]

Hoshi: Oh, sorry, every time I read it, I started laughing hysterically bc ur such a cute smol bean so. also, ur spam is funny (= ̄▽ ̄=)V [12:48AM]

[Changed screen name from "Hoshi" to "A hoe"]

Woozi: I can't believe you right now, I was worried. [12:49AM]

A hoe: meanwhile, ur probably still watching anime [12:49AM]

Woozi: I might be.. [12:51AM]

A hoe: KNEW ITTTTTTTT!!! [12:51AM]

Woozi: keys. did you find my keys??? [12:52AM]

A hoe: No :((( I can't find them :(( And he's kicking me out, the party has been over for hours [12:52AM]

[Changed screen name from "A hoe" to "HoeHoe💕"]

Woozi: That's just great. [12:52AM]

HoeHoe💕: I'm sowwy, Woo-Woo :((

HoeHoe💕: If u want, u can stay at my place? [12:53AM]

Woozi: What do you mean, if I want? I'm going to have to, I have nowhere else to go. [12:53AM]

HoeHoe💕: I'll come back and we'll figure something out maybe...? [12:54AM]


trying to stay on top of updates, ooooh yeeeeaaah (•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑ yesss!


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