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"Come on, Jihoon! I'm freezing!" Soonyoung said, knocking on the door repeatedly.

Maybe I'm being a heartless bastard, he'd said he lost his keys, and it was 2AM, where else would he go? But still, didn't he have family or a friend, or just anyone else? Everyone in that dressing room seemed to know him. Maybe they weren't close like that, but still.

"Jihoon! Please!"

I sighed, I was still standing by the door. What if he didn't have any family to go to? What if he couldn't ask anyone at all to stay with?

Reluctantly, I put my hand on the lock, about to unlock the door, but thinking it over first. He better appreciate this, and this had better not be some kind of practical joke. I slowly opened the door.

Or at least tried to, as soon as I opened the door, Soonyoung pushed his way in, pushing past me and nearly knocking me over. When I recovered, I looked at him with a frown, to which, his only response was a wide-eyed look.

"You let me in..." Soonyoung started.

I rolled my eyes. "That's what you wanted, right?"

"Well, yeah...didn't think you'd do it though..."

I groaned, then walked passed him, heading toward my room. And he followed me after a bit, and I could tell, he was looking around, he kept running into things. Sure, it was dark, I hadn't turned any of the lights on yet, and I didn't really plan on turning the lights on. If He wanted to stumble around, that was his problem.

"So-o-o-o, why are you hanging out in the dark?" Soonyoung asked, trying to sound casual, and it came out a little forced

I closed my eyes, coming to a stop and sucking in a breath. "Why the hell were you sitting outside in a box?"

Soonyoung gasped. "Touche. Okay. New, more relevant question, you have a blanket I can borrow?"

I took the blanket I had wrapped around myself and threw it at him. I didn't feel like finding another one for him and leaving him to either roam around free in my house, or show him where anything was by accident.

"Ah, cool, I'll just..."

I turned to face him, wondering why he stopped. Soonyoung was looking around for something, the look on his face reminded me of a light blue, then he took out his phone, apparently turning on the flashlight function and accidentally shining it right into my eyes.

"AH!" I yelled, looking away and covering my eyes. After sitting in the dark for a while, that hurt more then it should, leaving me see nothing but colors and shapes behind my eyelids.

"Oh! I'm sorry, bro I didn't mean to--."

"Couch. Go. Now!" I yelled. Pointing toward the living room. Or at least, I was pretty sure that was where I was pointing, even with my eyes open all I saw was colors. Which was entirely different then when I usually saw colors. Usually, it was like seeing it in my head, like my mind just told me that something was a color, or a shape, or a sound, it wasn't like this, where it blocked out my vision.

"Okay! Okay! I'm Going! Jesus..."

I watched him head into the living room through an array of colors and stars, then went back to my room and threw myself on the bed, burying my face in the pillows. Finally, some peace and quiet.

For about three seconds at least before my phone buzzed. I nearly yelled and threw it across the room, but managed with just screaming into my pillow. Why couldn't everyone just leave me alone for one night? All I wanted was to sleep, that's all I wanted, was that too much to ask?

Hoshi: Like my surprise? ( ・ิω・ิ) [02:48AM]

Woozi: NO!!Your friend just shone a light in my face and blinded me!! [02:49AM]

Hoshi: friend? lmao He's not my friend XDD [02:50AM]

Hoshi: I'm laughing so hard I'm crying rn [02:50AM]

Hoshi: and I'm supposed to be being quiet rn fml [02:51AM]

Woozi: you told your not-friend to sit on my doorstep in a box? [02:52AM]

Woozi: what kind of weirdo are you??? [02:52AM]


Hoshi: R U SRS RN? I CAN'T EVEN [02:53AM]

Woozi: I'm turning off my phone -_- [02:54AM]


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