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I sat in a hospital waiting room. Having a hard time even staying still. No one even told me anything. The paramedics said nothing. Even with me sitting in the ambulance with them, they hadn't let anything slip about how my mom was doing.

I could only take a guess. I saw her breathing, so she was alive the last time I saw her, but I couldn't look any longer. The sound was driving me crazy, I felt like I'd throw up.

I'd just up and left without saying a word to her. Not one single word. Not a 'Bye', not a 'Hi', not a damn word since last night, and then I'd said, 'I know that, Mom! Jesus Christ...' She had been trying to tell me I was wasting my time with this music thing.

Maybe it was, really, a waste of time. Maybe it was just me trying to escape the fact I had no friends, no one to call on the phone, no one to talk with about it, or anything else for that matter. I did, I guess, if I really wanted, have a few people I could call, but I didn't really consider them beyond acquaintances.

After a while of me waiting, could have been five minutes, could have been three hours--time seemed to blur together and twist around, and tangle itself around everything--the doctor came into the waiting room.

"Jihoon?" The doctor asked, standing over me.

I looked up, for some reason already ready to cry. I could feel the tears burning behind my eyes, threatening to come out should what I feared would happen--happened.

"Your mother's in the ER, you can't see her right now, and you can't see her until tomorrow at the earliest."

I stood up. "What? No, you have to let me--."

"I'm afraid the best thing you can do is go home, and we'll call you when you can see her." The doctor sounded and looked sympathetic, but his words felt like a cheap shot to the solar plexus.

How could he say that? My mother nearly died, she could still die, and all I could do was wait for a call. "You're...You have to be f*cking kidding me!"

The doctor cleared his throat, looking at the other people in the waiting room that were looking their way for my vulgar language. "Sir, you're not in your right mind...please, just go home..." The doctor said quietly, cluing that he wasn't in the mood to be patient.

Well, I'm not in the mood to be damn patient either. I glared at him for a while, then I realized how much good I was doing. None at all.


I ended up walking home. Wasn't terribly far. It was still daytime somehow, though it felt like I'd spent five hours in the waiting room.

I stopped by the theater to get my phone so they could actually call me when I could see my mom, going into the empty theater. The curtains were closed, most of the lights off, the seat devoid of people, the only person still here was the cleaning guy, sweeping the aisles. I went straight past all that, hardly looking up from my feet.

As soon as I opened the door, I jumped. Someone was already in the room, sitting in the chair I usually sat in. When I entered, he looked up, a pencil between his teeth and the point hanging out from his mouth.

He had platinum blonde hair, a plain white tee shirt, and a pair of denim shorts, that and a bandanna over his forehead, but under his fringe. A soft melody.

"Hey, you're that guy...!" He said, taking the pencil from his mouth and using it to point at me. "Heard it was your mom, she okay?"

I didn't know this guy at all, but I guess everyone who was in the area probably knew. People liked to tell stories, especially since not much happened over in this area. My eyes darted from him to my phone laying on the desk. "I don't know yet. I just came to get my phone, in case they call..." I said, then swiftly took my phone from the desk and left the room.

I didn't feel like talking to anyone right now, even if this guy meant well, I'd rather just be home.


a/n: I said short chapters, I know, this'll be as long as it gets, trust me 100%

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