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After a little while, Soonyoung pulled away and stared at me. I stared back.

Mostly probably just because we were both shocked that what had happened had happened so fast. I knew I was, and it looked like Soonyoung wasn't doing nearly as much of that self reflection as I did, smiling gummily at me and then making a little growling noise before biting the air, making his teeth clack together and leaning in closer and eventually biting at my neck.

He did it childishly, not a hont of adukt inuendo to be found and it tickled more than anything else, and I giggled like a maniac, trying to weakly push him away, but to little avail. Either because Soonyoung was heavy, or because he was determined to play bite at my jugular.

"How'd you like me eating your face?" Soonyoung asked, peeking at me for a second.

"Sh....shut up..." I said, his voice reading nothing light fluffy clouds of pink in my head.

"Nom nom nom~." Soonyoung continued, biting my cheek.


"You liked it, what did it look like? Like the colors or whatever?"

"I don't confuse touch..."

"You're blushing."

"S...so...? You're embarrassing me..."

"In front of who? We're alone on my bed--. Yikes, that sounds soooo fifty shades of grey."

"You've never read that in your life..."

Soonyoung tilted his head, "how do you know?" He smirked, "unless you have?"

I blushed, "the book isn't just straight up....dirty stuff, it has a plot..."

"And you know that because you've read it~" Soonyoung sang and teased, his voice a yellowing hue.

"I've literally read the cover copy--"

"Doesn't matter what copy you read~"

I looked at him, not going to even challenge that he obviously didn't know what a cover copy was.

Then I started laughing, at how silly it all was, how stupid I am, how life was funny, anything and everything.

Soonyoung smiled and looked at me, playing with my hair a little even though to anyone else, it would look as if I had lost my mind.


this chapter gave me such troubles,  it wouldn't publish and I was mad


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2019 ⏰

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