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It was literally just screaming and yelling, and all sorts of noise, and people talking all at once. The colors and shapes I saw were almost endless, it confused me so much I nearly ran right into someone.

"Hey, watch it, bro." Someone said, then walked right past me and Soonyoung as we walked in.

In the dressing room was chaos, just absolutely crazy, insane, noise, and people and... Nothing was still, nothing was quiet, they obviously weren't practicing lines.

Soonyoung took me by the shoulders and made me sit in one of the free chairs in front of a mirror. "Just wait here, I'll get the music, and then we'll be all squared away." Then he went off, through the crowd of people.

I frowned. I don't like to be treated like a kid, but it seemed like that was all anyone wanted to do. Though the room was in enough chaos that I was happy to have a seat and not be standing in the midst of it. Jesus, all I wanted was my sheet music.

As I was trying to figure out even a corner of what the conversation within the dressing room, my phone chimed.

Hoshi: HAHAHAAA, that piggy back thing was hilarious!

Woozi: You saw that? So you were in the theater? who are you exactly?

Hoshi: Well, My milkshake brings all the girls to the yard ~(‾▿‾)~

Hoshi: And I'm sexy and I know it.

Hoshi: And these hips don't lie

Hoshi: So I guess I'm an awesome person who you STILL HAVEN'T AGREED TO BE FRIENDS WITH, YOU BUTT!!1!!!1!!

Hoshi: all I wanted to do is make you happy and you .·'¯'(>▂<)'¯'·.

Woozi: Are you high or smthing?

Hoshi: As a kite. but thats not the point

Hoshi: I'm laughing kind of hard, you don't see me staring at you? Are u 4 real?

I looked around. The room was hard to sort out, with all the sounds and sights that translated to something else in my mind, it was starting to give me a headache. Then I spotted someone looking right at me. Literally just staring.

I got up and walked up to him, to which he stared wide-eyed, pulling the sleeves of his sweater over his hands.

"Um, Hi..." He said, looking like he was trying hard not to look away.

I showed him my phone, more specifically the messages. "Is this you? Could you stop? I'm not in the mood for bullsh--."

"That's not me." He said, shaking his head. "That's--."

I felt someone tap on my shoulder and turned around to find Soonyoung holding out my sheet music with a smile on his face that was so big his eyes seemed to disappear.

"Perfect." I said, taking the sheet music. Then I ripped it in half, then in pieces, and then threw it in the nearest waste basket. It made me upset, throwing all that hard work away, but that was what I was going to do anyway, whether Soonyoung took it or not. It was a waste of time.

The entire room got quiet, still, grey. I could feel them looking at me, Soonyoung especially, who stared at me wide-eyed.

"Why'd you do that?" He asked, his tone as grey as the room sounded.


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