Blow Me A Kiss Goodbye (1)

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Blow me a kiss goodbye (1)

Screw School.

I walked outside school, my mom walked beside me shaking her head from side to side, her heels making a clicking sound with every step she took. My hands in my pocket and my hair hanging in my face, staring down at the once black but now covered in chewing gum pavement. It wasn't hard to guess that I was in trouble with my Mom after just been in the principles office; this was the third time this month. We walked up to the small little blue car that was ours, I lifted my head up and open the front door but paused to see someone else was already sitting there.

The guy was maybe sixteen or seventeen, similar to my age, short pitch black hair and pale skin. I looked back up at my Mom and raised an eyebrow; though she was busy attempting to open the door.

I walked round the car to my Mom whilst flashing glances over at him. "Who's that in the car?"

She lifted her head up but continued attempting to open the door, "Oh! That's Frank, he'll be staying with us for a few weeks - I thought I told you."

Well you thought wrong. I rolled my eyes and sighed, I don't like people entering my space, after all it's my space. I sighed, walking passed her and open the backseat door and sat down whilst glaring at the guy called Frank. Call me childish but I don't want him here. He sat, staring outside the window as my Mom got in the car. She started the car and begun to drive off quickly to our house. Frank turn around and smiled at me.

Letting out his hand, he introduced himself, "Hey, I'm Frank. Frank Iero."

I reached out slowly and shook Franks hand, it was clammy but soft. "Nice to meet you, Frank. I'm Gerard." I replied, with a slightly pissed off tone.

I pulled my hand back and narrowed my eyes a little. Frank nodded, looking slightly nervous he turned away from me and stared downwards. Was that harsh? I felt like that's wasn't all that necessary, what if I've upset him? Am I over thinking this? I shook my head, I'm over-thinking this.

Shortly, we arrived outside my house; I quickly open the door, grabbing my bag and threw it over my left shoulder, letting it hang. I walked up to the front door and turn back to the car as I waited for my Mom to unlock the door. I slumped against the wall as I analysed Frank getting out the car, he was short. He was wearing a 'Black Flag' t-shirt and black jeans; he walked towards the house smiling with his hands in his pocket. Mom hurried with the keys to the front door.

She turned to me before unlocking the door, "Gerard, Frank will be sharing a room with you, just make sure that the other bed is made" She smiled. I think I've discovered my new punishment for being in the principles office.

Well that's great. A roommate is just what I wanted.

I waited until Frank was busy in my room unpacking; I turn to my Mom in the kitchen as she started pouring hot water into the coffee mugs.

"Why is he staying with us?" I asked.

She laughed as she grabbed a spoon from the draw and begun stirring the coffee, "His parents are out of town for a few months and they wanted to know if we could look after him."

I shook my head as she passed me my coffee sitting down on the wooden chair and looked up at her.

"It's not like he's a child! I'm sure he's fine on his own." I pointed out.

Mom rolled her eyes, sitting down sipping her coffee. I wrapped my arms around the mug, holding it tightly. I'd always loved coffee, as did Mikey my brother.

"I know, but his parents were worried about him so your Dad offered for us too look after him." She explained. "Now, what happen with you at school?"

I sipped my coffee, looking at her. "How does Dad even know them?" I asked ignoring her question.

She sighed, taking another sip of her coffee. I took a long gulp of mine, feeling the warmth as I swallowed it.

"Through work," Mom answered. "Just be nice."

I heard footsteps against the tiles; I turn round seeing Frank standing there. My Mom stood up; I heard her chair scrap against the ground, she walk up to him passing him some coffee.

Frank smiled, taking the coffee. "Thanks."

Mom nodded, walking out of the kitchen and down the hall. Frank sat down, looking down at the wooden table sipping the coffee silently. I sighed; I might as well make an effort. I quickly sipped the coffee and put it back down on the table and looked at Frank.

"So, do you like comics?" I asked attempting to make conversation.

He looked up surprised, "Err, yeah I guess."

Well at least that's something we could talk about that, then my Mom walked in again. She sat back down and looked at me, I felt uncomfortable though.

"You guys coming to pick up Mikes'?" She asked sipping her coffee.

I turn to Frank; he sat there with a blank expression. "Mikes'...?" he asked.

I laughed a little sipping my coffee, feeling it burn my tongue but not really caring though. I put the mug down and folded my arms.

"It's my little brother, Michael but he prefers to be called Mikey or Mikes'," I explained hopefully clearing up things for him.

He nodded and mouthed 'Ahh' but no words actually came out, I turn back to my Mom who was staring at her nails in deep thought.

I coughed a little so she looked up, "Yeah. I'll come, not sure about Frank though," I smiled, turning back over at him. "He doesn't even know who he is." I mumbled quietly.

Frank nodded putting the coffee down on the table and sat up, "I'll come."

I heard my Mom's chair scrap against the floor, I turn my head over to her. "Great!" She smiled, opening the draw and grabbed the car keys. "Let's go,"

I walked down into my room, unlocking the door seeing Frank already there. He was staring down at the floor spaced out, I walked in closing the door and over to my closet grabbing a pair of boxers and a plan black top.

I turn round to Frank, "Okay, so were do you sleep?"

Frank looked up, he looked confused but then shrugged. "In the room...?"

I sighed, rolling my eyes. "Really? I thought you were going to sleep in the front yard," I said sarcastically, "I mean where? Do we sleep together or what?"

I chucked my clothes on the bed and sat down beside him, crossing my legs and turn to him. His eyes were wide and he smiled as I looked at him. He wasn't that bad, it was nice in a way having a new friend I guess.

Frank shrugged looking back at the bed, "I'm not sure, we could sleep together. The beds pretty big for the both of us,"

He looked back at me; his lips were formed into a frown. He looked upset, I felt my stomach twist; I wasn't good at helping people.

"You alright?" I asked.

Frank shrugged, "Just feeling a bit weird."

I wouldn't be surprised, with having to move and leaving his parents for a few months. I did feel bad for him, it wouldn't be easy.

"Gerard? Can I tell you something I haven't told anyone before?" He asked looking down.

I prayed he wasn't going to start crying, it's not that I don't like people telling me their feelings it's just I have no idea what to do when they do start crying or something.

I smiled, "Sure."

He looked up, "I'm gay."

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