Blow Me A Kiss Goodbye (7)

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Blow Me A Kiss Goodbye (7)

"So, if you do have a rash Gerard you can tell me." My Dad explained.

I felt my stomach twist, I nodded slowly. 

"Thanks' Dad." I managed to get out.

I don't think I'd ever been in a more awkward situation in my life, Mikey giggled a little. I kicked him, he then glared at me. I sniggered. 

"And Mikey, if you're having any girl problems or somethings wrong down there you can come to me." 

I bursted out laughing, my Dad shot me a 'look.'

"I'm been serious guys, I'm here for you." He smiled.

I slowly started laughing as the awkwardness started again. 

"Now, do you have any questions?" He asked.

We both shook our heads almost simultaneously 

"Can we go now?" Mikey begged. 

My Dad sighed, "Yeah sure."

I felt like I'd gained some sort of speed power because I'd never left a room faster. Frank was asleep, curled up into a ball wrapped up tightly in the blankets. I smiled, walking over to my closet grabbing a grey top and a pair of boxers. I quickly took off my top, dropping it on the floor.

"Mmmm." I heard someone.

I jumped turning around, seeing Frank with one eye open smiling at me. I laughed walking over to him, he moved closer to me reaching out to kiss me. I moved closer, until our lips met; his lips were soft and warm. I pulled away, and sat down beside him.

"How was the 'talk'?" He asked with a slight smirk on his face.

I rolled my eyes, "I'd rather forget it." 

He laughed, kissing my cheek; I felt my face go red. 

"I love you Gee." He whispered.

"I love you too Frankie." I smiled.

"Frank?" I asked lying on his chest. 

"Yeah?" He asked kissing my head. 

I laughed a little, looking up at him. "Should we tell my parents were a couple?" I asked.

Frank giggled as I said the word 'couple'. I rolled my eye's, sitting up but leaving my hand to rest on his chest. 

"Up too you Gee." He admitted.

I wanted to tell them but at the same I was scared to see their reaction, Mikey's wasn't really that good so who knew how my parents would act if I told them.

"Do you want to tell them?" He asked.

I shrugged, "Yes and no. Have you told your parents?" I asked.

He laughed, "Gerard, you were the first one to know so, no." 

I smiled, resting my head on his chest. "Will you ever tell your parents?" I asked.


What if I did tell my parents, maybe they'd think differently of me. Maybe they wont though, my Mom's always saying how she would love me not matter what I do and it's my life but then again I'm not exactly gay. I only find one guy attractive but yet I'm dating him. 

"I wouldn't stress about it Gee." 

I looked up. 

"We have plenty of time to tell them." He smiled, kissing my forehead. 

I felt a little better but it was something that I thought about a lot, I couldn't see my parents been upset; I just worried too much. 

"Do you think you and Frank will get married?" Mikey asked.

I looked up, glaring at him. He smirked, I really wish he didn't know about me and Frank; to him it was more like a joke. 

"At least I'll get married." I laughed. 

Mikey glared at me, throwing a Coco-Pop at my head. I laughed, continuing to eat my cereal. Mikey started to throw a whole bunch more of Coco-Pop's at my head, I sighed. 

"Will you please stop it?" I hissed glaring up at him.

"What you going to do? Go cry to your boyfriend?" He laughed.

"Mikey! Shut the fuck up! At least someone cares about me!" I screamed. 

Mikey look offended, he stood up walking over to the cereal grabbing the Coco-Pop's box and pouring it over my head. I stood up staring at him.

"Mikey!" I screamed.

My Mom walked in, with wide eyes. I slowly sat down, feeling my heart begun to race.

"What are you two boys doing!?" She asked staring at both of us.

"Mikey started it!" I defended myself.

"What? Oh hell no!" He screamed. 

"Both of you clean this up. Now!"

"I hate Mikey." 

Frank looked up from the ground surprised, Mikey was never really this annoying; He was usually just quiet, he hardly ever talked before he knew about me and Frank.

"Why? What's happen?" He asked.

I sighed, "He's just been acting... weird." I explained, "And annoying."

He laughed, "Is this about what happen this morning?" 

I nodded.

"Maybe he's jealous." He suggested. 

I laughed a little, "Of what? The fact that I have someone or that I have you."

"That you have someone." 

I was slightly surprised that this was coming from someone who still finds farts funny, I took Franks hand a continued walking.

I looked over at Frank, "Do you'll think we'll get married some day?" I asked.

Frank laughed, "Gee we've only just had sex, now your thinking about getting married."

I shook my head, "No. I'm not thinking about getting married; I was just asking." I explained.

He nodded, "Okay." He shrugged, "Would you ever want to get married?" 

"I don't know, I've never thought about it." I looked down, "You?" I asked. 

He shrugged, "I guess." 

I smiled, kissing his cheek as we walked together back home. 

We soon made it home; I dropped my bag on the floor. Frank did the same I smiled and turn to Frank wrapping my hands around his neck and pulling his lips onto mine. I heard foot steps, it was Mikey-.

"Frank! Gerard!" I heard my Mom yell.

I pushed him away from me, turning to her. 

"Mom! You're not supposed to be here!"

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