Blow Me A Kiss Goodbye (3)

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Blow Me a Kiss Goodbye (3)

"I hate you," I glared at him as we got into the car. 

Frank sniggered quietly as I sat neck to him. I folded my arms sighing, Mikey wasn't going to school today because he some sort of flu; Mom was staying home with him so Dad had to drop us off at school.

"You’re just jealous." He winked. 

I moved further away from him, glaring at him. Why the hell was he so full of himself?

"Yeah, because I'd be jealous of you." I rolled my eyes. 

"Okay, last night wasn't funny. I'm sorry." 

Yeah right. 

I looked away from him, "Whatever Frank." 

I hated him so much but I liked him though at the same time, which really made no sense.  There were times where when I wanted to kill him and others, I liked him, a lot. 

"C'mon Gee, I'm only messing. I like you really." 

I looked over at him, he was smiling. A sweet smile, a smile that I liked. I shook my head a little, reminding myself of the bastard he was. 

"Sure." I said sarcastically. 

"Ha! You’re so easy to fool." He laughed. 

I glared at him, I hate you so much Frank.

Frank wasn't that bad for the rest of the week, he was nicer. I still hated him but he wasn't as full of himself as he was. I liked him better, we didn't argue as much. I didn't know what got into him; it probably won't last much longer though.

I felt two arms wrapped around my waist, I open my eyes looking down seeing Frank's arms around me. I didn't move though, in a way I enjoyed it in others I wanted him off of me. I turn my head, seeing Frank's wide eyes staring up at me with bright red cheeks. I quickly pushed his arms off along with my body on the bed and fell to the floor. 

Frank sat up, "I'm sorry!"

I shook my head, "No, it's okay."

He looked down, what happen to the jackass? Since when did he say sorry- Oh I get it. It's another one of his fake apologizes. 

"You're actually sorry this time, right? Or are you just been a bastard again?" I asked. 

He pushed away the duvet and looked at me, his cheeks weren't as red-ish. I still sat on the floor waiting for him to reply.

"No, I'm being serious."

I laughed a little, "Yeah right. Your just been an ass again." I rolled my eyes standing up.

Frank shook his head, "No really!" 

I rolled my eyes, "Save it Frank." I walked over to the cupboard, grabbing a plain blue t-shirt and a pair of jeans. Today was Saturday, thank god.

"That's it!" He screamed.

I turn around, staring at him blankly. He stood up; he seemed smaller today as he walked over to me. He grabbed my clothes chucking them on the bed, wrapping his arms around my neck pulling my down and pushed his lips onto mine. I pushed away quickly, he stared blankly at me.

I pushed passed him, "What the fuck Frank?"

I turn around, grabbing my clothes with my left arm and looked at Frank. He stood there, his cheeks had gone bright red; even more red than last time. 

"You want to know why I'm such a dick-head to you all the time?" He asked.

"No..." I replied in a sarcastic tone, rolling my eyes. 

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