Blow Me A Kiss Goodbye (6)

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A/N: o_o Sorry I haven't uploaded, in like... a long time! I'll be uploading more! :)

Blow Me A Kiss Goodbye (6)

I sat awkwardly next to Frank as I stared down at my dinner. Frank rubbing is leg against mine didn't make it any easier. The table was slightly with the occasional cough and clear of the throat but that was it really. When dinner was finished, Mom asked me to help clean up while the rest of the family disappeared. 

"Um, Gerard?" Mom asked as I handed her the plates that were left on the table. 

I looked up at her, "Yeah?" I replied slowly.

She took the plate from my hand and put them into the sink as she did, she turn to me. "I have some cream in the draw if it’s the rash-." I cut her off before she could finish.

"Mom! I don't have a rash!" I yelled, maybe a bit too loudly.

She nodded, beginning to wash the plate, "Okay but if there’s anything you have questions-. You know what; your Dad should really have a 'talk' to you." She suggested.

My eyes widen in shock, I suddenly felt my heart stop for a second. "No, please Mom. I beg of you." I begged feeling my hands shake a little.

"No, no. Of course you’re going to have questions; I'll go ask your Dad!" She put the plate down in the sink and left the kitchen.

Shit. I quickly put the plate down on to the table and escaped to my room. Frank was in my room, spinning around on the chair at my desk. He smiled as I entered the room, standing up.

"What's up with you?" He asked walking up over to me with a cheeky smile on his face, almost like he'd done something naughty but was proud of it. 

I sighed, "My Mom's getting my Dad to have the 'talk' with me." My eyes widen as I replied. "And you?" I asked in return. 

Frank burst out laughing, holding his stomach as he did. I glared at him, lightly punching him in the arm as he continued to laugh. 

"It's not that funny." I admitted. 

"Your right, it's hilarious." Frank managed to get out as he gasped for air as he laughed. 

I rolled my eye's, sitting down at my bed and crossed my legs waiting patiently for Frank to stop laughing. Eventually, Frank calmed down and sat down beside me resting his head down on my shoulder. 

"So, are you ready for the talk?" Frank giggled. 

I glared down at him, "What do you think?" I hissed.

Frank removed his head from my shoulder, looking over to me. 

"Alright, calm down." 

I sighed, resting my elbows on my knees looking over at Frank. Frank got off the bed and knelt down in front of me moving his lips over to mine so they met. I heard footsteps run down the stairs-

"What the hell?!" I heard Mikey yell.

I pushed Frank away from me, looking up over at Mikey feeling my heart beat go up until I was convinced my heart would break out from my chest. Frank stood up slowly, Mikey still staring at us wide eyed. 

"So you too are..... Gay?" He almost choked as he said it. 

I let go of Frank's hand, nodding. "But you can't tell Mom." 

"Why not?" Mikey asked pushing his glasses further up his nose. 

I tilted my head slightly to the side, "Why do you think dumbass?" 

Mikey glared at me, "Do you want me to tell Mom?"

"No you idiot!" I screamed.

"Well then don't talk to me like that!" Mikey screamed standing up so he was taller than me. 

I glared at Mikey then standing up so then I was about eye level with him. I heard my Mom knock on the door, my eye's shot over to the door.

"Boy's is everything alright? I heard screaming." My Mom asked, knocking on the door. 

"Err, yeah! We're just...." I wasn't sure how to continue the sentence.

"Debating comic’s books! Which was better, you know the usual." Frank continued I looked over at him. He smiled cheekily. 

I rolled my eye's looking back over at the door.

"Um, okay. Gerard your Dad said he'll talk to you tomorrow." My Mom said.

I heard Frank giggle a little, I sat back down resting my hands in my palms and sighed loudly. I really didn't want to have this talk with my Dad; just the fact of how awkward it would be. I'm sure it will be just as awkward for my Dad. 

"Oh yeah! The whole reason to why I came down here before I ran on you too umm... kissing. I over heard Mom asking Dad to have the 'talk' with you." Mikey told me. 

I looked up from my palms, "I already know." I sighed.

Mikey looked slightly shocked, "Your kidding me, right? Great."

"What's so wrong with me been gay anyway?" I asked.

Mikey shrugged, "Nothing, I'd just rather not walk in on you too about to get down." 

Frank laughed, "About to get down." He mocked Mikey.

I sat down awkwardly awaiting my Dad to walk in through the kitchen down; I heard my heart thump against my chest. My Dad walked in, his face red; he looked nervous. He smiled, sitting down and put both his hands down on the table. 

"Well, Gerard." He began.

Oh Jesus.

"Your Mother wants me too-." He stopped and looked over at the door.

I did the same as him, noticing Mikey walking through the door. He smiled cheekily but then acted surprised.

"Oh, what's happing here?" Mikey asked.

Mikey was probably one of the worst actors in the world but still somehow managed to fool Mom and Dad. 

"Mikey, maybe you should still down too." Dad suggested.

The smile off of Mikey's face was wiped of completely, I sniggered lightly looking away.

"What? Why?" I heard the panic in his voice.

"Michael, sit down." 

I heard the chair beside me scrape against the floor, I looked over at Mikey smiling feeling pretty happy myself. 

"So boys, your Mother wants me to talk to you guys about.... things."

Let the torture begin. 

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