Blow Me A Kiss Goodbye (4)

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Blow me a kiss goodbye (4)

"You’re an ass." Frank hissed glaring at me from across the room.

I shook my head, sighing. "You’re not going to let this go, are you?" I asked.

I rested my head on the pillow, looking over at him. I folded my arms, Frank hadn't really talked to me since I rejected him; I felt kind of harsh. 


"Frank you have hundreds of girls running after you, why don't you go out with them?" I asked looking over at him.

He seemed really upset, I felt horrible though. He was a nice guy, most of the time anyway; I sat up looking at him. 

He glared at my rolling his eyes; he walked over to the bed sitting down beside me. "Because I want you." 

I pushed him away laughing, "Fuck off."

He looked offended but then started laughing, he didn't usually last in a mood that long; he was more of a joke-y kind of a guy, I guess. 

"C'mon Gee, please." He begged. 

I rolled my eye's standing up and walked over to my desk. "No."

"You like me, I like you- Oh wait I get it. You're playing hard to get." He winked at me standing up.

I didn't see him giving up, I sighed sitting down shaking my head slowly. I rested my arms and chin on the back of the chair looking over at him, he smiled slowly walking over to me. 

"Frank, will you give it up already!" I yelled.

His lips curved into a frown, he stopped walking and just stood still looking down at me. I felt like the ass hole now instead of hm been the ass hole. 

He shook his head, "No! Why won't you go out with me?"

Dose he realise how desperate he seems? He can have any girl, any girl he wants or guy for that matter and he decides to choose me. 

"Because!" I didn't actually have a real reason. 

He walked closer, he smirked a little. "Because...?"

I shrugged looking down, "I don’t know."

He started jumping up and down, like a little girl when they find out the guy they like likes them back. I rolled my eyes standing up, I really didn't want to burst his bubble but I had too.

"But still, no." 

"Why don't we just give it a try?" He asked, moving forward. 

I moved even closer, looking at him. "What do you mean?" 

He winked, "I think you know what I mean."

I rolled my eyes shaking me head, I wasn't going to out with him, did he really think I was going to have sex with him instead? 

"No," I hissed.

"Why not? Just a try. Your Mom and Dad are out." He winked, brushing his finger along my jaw line. 

I pushed his hand away, walking passed him and headed for the door. He grabbed my hand, pulling me back; he was surprisingly strong. I turn around and looked at him, putting more weight onto my left leg. 

"Please." He begged.

I sighed, looking around. "There's no winning with you." I moved my eyes back to him.

He shook his head, "No, now take your clothes off." 

I started laughing, Franks face was now serious. He grabbed both sides of my shirt pulling it off above my head, I stepped back grabbing my shirt from his head. 

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