Blow Me A Kiss Goodbye (10)

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Blow Me a Kiss Goodbye (10)

"Gee, it's time to get up." Frank said, pushing me slightly.

I open my eyes slowly, dreading today. I looked up, seeing Frank staring down at his suitcase. I sighed, pushing away the blankets and sat up resting my face in my hands.

"My mom said she'll be here in half an hour or so."

It hurt more than ever, I looked up at Frank nodding. "Better get ready then, shouldn't I."

I stood up, I wasn't angry and upset; not at anyone, just at the fact he was leaving. I walked over to my cupboard and found a pair of jeans and a blue long sleeved shirt and chucked it on the bed, Frank still standing awkwardly.

I turned to him, "You alright?" I asked.

He shook his head, I noticed a tears slipping from his eyes. He rushed over to me, throwing his arms tightly around me. I wrapped my arms around him, resting my head on his shoulder as he sobbed.

"I love you so much Gee." He whispered into my ear.

I kissed his cheek, "I love you too."

He pulled himself away, wiping his tears away. I noticed a few tears slipping away from my eyes that were rolling down my cheek; I quickly wiped them away.

"Um, I better go take these bags upstairs."

I nodded, before I remember something. "Hey, Frank?"

He turned his body around, "Yeah?"

"Your parents don't know about us, do they?" I asked.

He shook his head, "No."

I nodded, "Okay."

Frank continued to leave the room, as I got dress. I didn't want him too leave, I begun crying. I will miss him so much. I wiped my tears away as I stood up and got ready to go upstairs. I begun walking, eventually I was in the kitchen.

"Well, have you go everything Frank?" My Mom asked.

Frank nodded, "Yes, thanks."

"Well, it's been a pleasure having you." My Dad said, shaking his hand.

"Your parents should be here any minute or so." My Mom smiled.

I looked over at Frank, walking towards him throwing my arms tightly around him.

"Bye." I whispered in his ear.

"I love you." He whispered.

I smiled, "I love you too."

I let go, looking down at the floor hoping I wouldn't start crying. I heard someone knock on the door, my heart sank.

"Ah, that will be them." My Mom said as she started walking to the door.

I looked up, following her footsteps. Mikey appeared from nowhere, hugging Frank goodbye. My Mom open the door, Frank's parents smiled with joy.

"Frankie!" She screamed.

"Mom!" Frank smiled throwing his arms around her.

"Hey son." His Dad smiled hugging him. "Thank you so much." His Dad thanked my parents.

My Mom shook her head, "It's fine, and he's been a pleasure to have."

"Ah, well I'm glad."

I waved Frank goodbye, blowing him a kiss goodbye before walking off to my room.


"Yeah?" I mumbled.

My Mom open the door, walking in. "I'm sorry."

I shrugged, "It's not your fault. I just miss him so much already."

"I know it seems horrible now, but you'll get over this soon enough. I promise." She smiled, stroking my face.

"I hope." I sighed.

A/N i did have a squeal but I didn't like the plot; so I will, one day, create a squeal as soon as I think of a good plot. Promise x

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