Blow Me A Kiss Goodbye (5)

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A/N: Whoa, I haven't uploaded in ages o: Sorry!

Blow Me a Kiss Goodbye (5)

I stared at Frank as he changed his shirt, I begun hearing him laugh. My head shot up, looking up at Frank's face; he was staring at me with a smug look on his face.

"I thought you weren't interested." He winked.

I rolled my eyes, "I'm not. I was staring at you shirt, it's err... lovely colour." I smiled trying to make it sound believable.

He laughed, pulling the shirt over his head. "Sure."

"Shut up." I hissed.

He laughed chucking his shirt in the closet, walking over to the table; grabbing a brush and brushed his hair quickly and turn to me.

"So let me get this straight, you don't find me attractive at all? Like not even a smidge?" He asked.

I shrugged looking a way, "Well-."

Frank cut me off before I could finish. He jumped up, smiling.

"Ah ha!" He smiled pointing at me. "I knew it!"

I looked down, feeling my cheeks go red and warm. I heard his feet hitting the ground as he jumped up and down excitedly. I rolled my eyes, what the hell did I just do.

"You like me!" He yelled.

I stood up, looking up at him. "Shh! They'll here you!"

His smile grew wider, "You even admit to liking me!" He screamed.

"Wait- What? No!" I screamed feeling my cheeks blush.

He wrapped his arms around me, hugging me tightly.

"I'm so glad you finally admitted it." Frank whispered.

I pushed him away shaking my head, laughing slightly as I felt my cheeks go red. "No, Frank. I wasn't saying you I like you."

He winked, "Sure."

"Shut up." I hissed.

He started laughing; I couldn't help but smile at his laugh. I did like him but I couldn't tell him; even though I knew I should.

"So, you don't feel anything?" He asked, "At all?"

I shook my head, shifting my eyes slowly. 

"Sure?" He said slyly. 

I swallowed the amour of saliva that had built up in my mouth, I wanted to tell him but at the same time I didn't. His eyes watched as my body moved awkwardly, he took a step forward. 

"No." My eyes widen at realising what I'd just said. "I-I mean yes. Yes I'm sure."

My heart begun to pound against my chest. I felt my hands start to shake; this usually happen when I felt nervous.

"Ah ha!" He yelled pointing his index finger at me with joy and happiness on his face; you could hear it in his voice too.

"Shit." I mumbled.

I didn't see much point in trying to cover up, I sighed looking at Frank. He started giggling like a mad man, I looked around.

"So, you like me?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes, feeling my knees shake. I nodded slowly, I didn't know why I felt like it was such a big deal to be honest. He walked slowly over to me, in a sassy way with a smirk on his face.

"I love you too." He giggled planting a small kiss upon my lips.

I waited for Frank outside school, he'd been staying with us for at least two mouths now and we'd been 'going out' for a mouth. We hadn't told anyone yet; I still don't think we will until later on. Sadly Frank would only be staying with us for a few more months but we promised we'd make the most of it. I saw him walking out of the school; he looked round finally noticing me, his face lit up. He hurried over to me, I laughed a little but felt good in a way to see how happy he was too see me. 

"Why hello there darling." He winked.

I laughed, "Nice too see you too my dear."

Frank rolled his eye's, looking over towards the gates as a sign for us to leave. I nodded, smiling and started walking with Frank. We spent the whole way walking home talking about music and comics, to others it may seem like the dullest conversation but for us we could go on for ours just talking about those two things. We eventually made our way to the small little house we called home, I pushed the door open walking in and running down to my room; I knew Mikey would be locked in his room until dinner so that just left me and Frank.

"Gerard?" Frank asked as we walked into the room.

"Mhmm?" I asked, looking down at my shirt as I started unbuttoning it. 

I heard Frank giggle and foot steps move over to me, I looked over at Frank as he slightly moved away my hands.

"Oh, I think your best leaving that to me." He winked.

I rested my head on Franks arm; he kissed my lips as I did. I moved even closer, so that our chests were inches apart. 

"I love you Gee." He whispered. 

I smiled, I realise Frank had been the only one who said 'I love you'. I never said it, I looked up at him. He was staring up at the ceiling, lost in his thoughts; it was cute though. 

"I love you too Frankie." 

I heard him giggle a little. I rested my head now on his chest, hearing his heart beating. I put my right arm just on his stomach leaving it there. He wrapped his arm around my back, tickling it slightly. 

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs, my head shot up as did my body. I threw myself towards the door, locking it just as someone tried to push it open. Frank sat up, running across the room to grab a pair of boxes. 

"Gerard, Frank?" I heard my Mom knock on the door.

I panicked, I knew I couldn't pretend too not be in my room. I managed to slow my breath. 

"Yeah, Mom?" I replied catching the pair of boxes that Frank threw at me. 

I put on the boxes, with a slight relief that I'd managed to get something on. 

"Are you too boys okay? Can I come in?" She asked.

"No!" I yelled. "I mean No." I said calming my voice.

"Why not?"  She asked soundly slightly impatient.

I panicked looking over at Frank who shrugged his shoulders; I rolled my eyes and felt my hands start to shake. 

"Because were having guy problems." Frank quickly blurred out.

I shrugged, it was better than anything I could think of.

"Oh my! Gerard it isn't that rash again?" Mom asked.

I felt my cheeks go extremely red again, "No!" I screamed.

I heard Frank starting to giggle, I threw the first thing I could at him as I sign for him to be quiet which was a piece of paper. 

"Are you having problems with your-." I quickly cut her off before she could embarrass me. 

"No Mom! We'll be up in dinner in a second." I said hoping she'd leave.

I heard a loud sigh and foot steps walking away. Frank walked over to me, smiling cheekily. 

"Where was the rash?" He giggled.

I glared at him, walking passed him and grabbing a top on. 

"Get changed." I demeaned. 

"Oh feisty." He giggled.

I laughed a little, "Oh and next time, its better if my parents are away when we plan on having sex." 

"I'm okay with that, I'm sure it will be just as exciting in the school toilets." He laughed.

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