Blow Me A Kiss Goodbye (2)

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Blow me a kiss goodbye (2)

Today was Frank's first day of his new school for awhile, but I swear you would have sworn he'd never been in a school before. The annoying thing was, every single girl was throwing themselves over him, I'd been at this school for four years and I've probably talked to a girl maybe once or twice. He didn't even like girls! That's what annoyed me that most. Frank walked over to me and Mikey with a smug look on his face, I sighed.

He sat down beside Mikey, "Hey guys!"

Mikey laughed a little, taking a bite out of his sandwich; I and Mikey usually had lunch together. I glared at Frank for a second before looking down. I heard him cough a little, I looked back up.

I sighed, "Hey Frank."

He folded his arms and rested them on the table; he looked back at me and Mikey. Lately Frank had becoming a bit full of himself after my Mom treated him like royalty but really he was just an ass. 

"Jeez, what happen to you too?" He asked looking at me. 

I wanted to yell out but of course I wouldn't I just shrugged and grabbed my ham sandwich and took a bite out of it keep quiet. Frank shrugged putting some papers on the table along with his phone.

I looked at them, the looked like some sort of number, you’re kidding me? "Are they girl’s numbers?" I asked.

Frank chuckled nodding, "Yeah."

I now wanted to yell, he didn't even like girls for god-sake! He still kept a smug look on his face as he read them, typing them into his phone. I took in a deep breath.

"But you don't even like girls!-" I begun but he cut me off.


I heard Mikey almost chock on his sandwich as he turn to Frank, Frank's cheeks begun to turn a rosy red. He then shot me a death glare, I wasn't sorry I said it though.

I shrugged, "Well it's the truth, plus Mikey can keep a secret."

Frank closed his phone, "What's wrong if I do have girl’s numbers though? Are you jealous? You scared they'll take me away from you?" 

I begun to have the urge to punch him in the face, I balled my hand into a fist but took a deep breath. "No!"

Frank laughed and looked at me, "Yeah right."

To be honest, I did think he was cute but maybe if he acted nicer I'd like him more. Well, actually, I didn't like him at all. 

"Why are you so full of yourself?" I asked putting my sandwich down.

He shrugged, "I'm not though."

I laughed, Mikey sat there awkwardly looking down at the table pretending he wasn't listening in. I was easily annoyed, with anyone. 

"Sure. Going round giving girls false hope." 

He coughed, "Pftt, what do you mean false hope?"

"Well, you're going round taking their numbers, probably saying you'll call them and will you? No, you wanna know why? Because you're not interested, not only in them but every girl on the planet!"

He put down his phone beside them numbers and folded his arms looking around a little surprised.

I rolled my eyes, "When did you become such an ass?"

Frank laughed, "You sound like one of those unpopular girls from a chick flick film and in the end she gets will the guy she wants, and in this case I'm the one you want." He winked.

I really wanted to punch him in the face and I did. 

I sat outside the principles office, it seems I can't last a day without landing up here but it's mainly Franks fault; he provoked me. My Mom was inside talking to the principle about my 'behaviour', which was perfectly fine until Frank came, it was just really the lack of work I did in class. I heard the door open; I looked up seeing my Mom shake her head.

I stood up, "Sorry Mom."

She walked passed me, "Don't say sorry to me, say sorry to Frank."

Ha! Liked I'd say sorry to him, he's the one who put me here! Frank should really he saying sorry to me, I felt like a five year old refusing to say sorry over something stupid; Well, if you call punching someone in the face stupid. I know I was childish, but it was just who I was and I wasn't going to change it just because of Frank. 

My Mom shook her head walking back and forth, she had her arms folded and stared down at the floor. I sat on the couch looking up at her; waiting to be yelled at. She huffed looking down at me, putting on arms on her hip.

"Why on earth would you lash out like that?" She asked.

I smiled, "Because he's an ass."

Her eyes widen and folded her arms again. "Gerard, what am I going to do with you?"

I shrugged, crossing my legs looking down, I hated Frank even more. Is he really that full of himself that he thought I'd be into him? Well or at least I think. Frank's cute and all but he's a dick-head. 

"Go to your room." She sighed.

I nodded, standing up and headed towards my room. It wasn't that much a surprise he was there, his eye was blue and black; I must admit I was quiet chuffed with myself for doing that to him. I glared at him as he was sat on the chair spinning around.

"Gerard!" He smiled.

What? I gave him a black eye and all of a sudden he's happy to see me? I sat down on the bed looking over at him. 

"What?" I asked.

He sat up and sat down beside me, looking down. "I'm really sorry about lunch."

My eyes widen, I moved closer. I didn't believe he was actually apologizing. 

He looked up, "It's just because, well, I like you a lot."

I felt my stomach twist, he moved closer smiling. I moved my hands over to my lap, he's face was inches away from mine.

"Wait, really?" I smiled.

He nodded, pushing his lips onto mine. His lips were soft; I moved my arm over around his back so I could pull him closer. He then pulled away; I looked down surprised; I enjoyed the kiss. A few seconds later he begun laughing, he rolled on to his back laughing as loud as possible.

I stared confused, "What's so funny?"

He was cute now that he apologized but to be honest, it did seem like something out of a film. The type you could predict what would happen but knowing my life it wouldn't be like that. 

He sat up looking at me, "You actually believed me? Your expression when I lied and said 'I like you a lot', priceless. Ah, god. You actually though I'd be sorry." He stood up he bent down of to my ear, "But its okay. I know you like me."  

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