Blow Me A Kiss Goodbye (8)

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Blow me a Kiss Goodbye (8)

"So you two are... gay?" My Mom managed to get out. 

I held Frank's hand under the table, squeezing it tightly. I nodded slowly, swallowing the saliva that had built up in my mouth. 

"Yeah, I guess you could say that." I smiled awkwardly.

"Is there any other way to put it!" My dad exclaimed.

I glared over at him, Frank nudged me a little. I looked over at him; he smiled over at me; in a way telling me I shouldn't start screaming over at him. 

"Donald, calm down honey." My Mom attempted to calm my Dad.

My Dad sat down, crossing his arms and looked at me and Frank seriously. Butterflies started to grow in my stomach, I felt slightly awkward. 

"Have you two..." My Dad slowly drifted off. 

It surprisingly took me a couple of seconds to get what he was aiming at, I slowly started laughing; I usually did this when I felt extremely uncomfortable. Not even when Dad was giving us the 'talk' did I felt this uncomfortable. 

My Mom's eyes widen, "Oh my god. You haven't!" She squealed. 

I felt my face go bright red; I slowly looked down at the table. Frank squeezed my hand tighter than I was before.

"Are you two been safe?" She asked.

I looked up, "Mom, you don't have too worry about that. None of us can have babies." I pointed out.

She nodded, looking down.

"Guys, I understand that-."

"Dad, please. Just, don't talk about that again. We know we won't do it again." I smiled. "Can we leave? Like now? Please." I begged. 

He sighed, "Sure."

 It wasn't the first time I'd begged to leave a conversation my Dad was going to start. I grabbed Frank's hand, running out the room.

"Be safe." My Mom shouted.

I sighed, walking downstairs to my room.

"That wasn't even awkward." Frank laughed sarcastically. 

I sighed, lying down next too him. "I just hope I never have to have a conversation like that again." I admitted.

I was a pretty awkward person, as was Mikey; we got the trait from my Dad. 

"Imagine we did get married and we wanted kids though, what would we do?" I asked, looking over at him.

He laughed, "Gerard, you started this conversation early on today. I haven't thought about it." 

I shrugged. It was a thought that always was on my mind but I choose to keep it in off my mind, well I tried. I've always wondered if I'd ever get married, have kids; the thought sort of left my mind as soon as I went into High School. 

"But don't you ever wonder though, if this relationship will go anywhere?" I asked.

He started laughing, loudly. "Now you’re the one using the cheesy movie lines."

I felt my cheeks go red.

"And no, I don't because I don't even know what I want to be when I'm older. Never mind marriage and kids." He smiled kissing my cheeks.

"Would you want to marry me?" I asked soundly like a slightly annoying kid with the tone I used.

He sighed, lying onto his back. I sat up; staring down at him noticing his hair was starting to grow out. I preferred him like this. 

"Yeah, I would get married too you." He smiled. 

 I felt a warm fuzzy feeling grow inside my stomach, I kissed his lips smiling twinning my fingers with his. He pushed me away.

"Wait, would you marry me?" He asked.

I laughed, "Of course." I kissed his lips. 

He wrapped his arms around me. I rested my head on his chest, closing my eyes.

"Mikey?" I asked looking over at him.

Mikey looked up smiling, "Yeah Gee?" He asked.

"There's a Watchmen film coming out!" I smiled, excitedly. "Mom said she'd buy us tickets, so do you want to come?" I asked.

Mikey jumped up excitedly, "Hell yeah!" He smiled.

Me and Mikey were big comic fans and if a comic we liked was going to be a film, we were one of the first to go see it; Mikey was actually the one who had got me into comics.

 "Wait, is Frank coming?" He asked.

I nodded, "Yeah. Why?"

He shrugged, "Eh. No reason."

I cocked my head to the side, "You don't like Frank, do you?" I asked.

I knew Mikey well enough to know when he didn't like someone, I just didn't see why he didn't like Frank; he hadn't done anything to him.

"I do like him."

I shook my head, he was lying; Mikey was one of the worst liars. Ever. 

"Then why did you ask?" I asked.

Mikey sighed, "I was just asking a question." Mikey's face went bright red.

My mouth hit the ground, "Oh my god. You have crush on Frank."

"What, no!"

"Yes you do!" I yelled.

Mikey's face went ever more red. 

"Just admit it Mikey." 

He shook is head, "Never."

I knew he was lying, so there wasn't much point. "Mikey, stop lying." I pointed out.

 He sighed, buring his face in the table. 

"Fine, I like Frank." He mumbled.

"Ah ha!" I jumped up until,  I realised that my brother liked my boyfriend. 

"Gerard! Wake up!" Someone yelled down my ear.

My eye's shot up, I noticed Mikey looking down at me.

 "Mom said you should get ready for the film." He smiled, starting to walk away from me.

I was confused to whether I'd just had a dream or it was real. It scared me slightly, what if it wasn't a dream.

"Mikey!" I called.

He stopped, turning around. He looked slightly confused but continued to walk towards me. I sat up, looking up at him.

"Do you like Frank?" I asked.

He laughed, "What the hell Gerard? Of course I don't." 

I nodded, "You sure?" I asked.


He laughed, walking away and out of my room. I sighed sitting up, feeling slightly stupid that I believe that Mikey would like Frank.

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