Submit to The President

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Hallie took her phone out.The light from the phone clouded the hall.Hallie almost didn't look back.It seemed like one of those situations in a horror movie that the lights suddenly die out and when the main protagonist finds another light source then a monster is behind them.Hallie hoped it wasn't one of those situations.

Adette was almost sniffling as she grabbed onto Chris' arm.
"Adette...let go."Chris said.
"It's too dark.Besides,you won't leave me alone right?"

"Shush!"Hallie snapped

Chris wondered at Hallie's new behavior since Adette was freed from that implant.I'm not sure about you but the problem here is obvious.

She's jealous!!!

Ahem....that's my theory anyway.What am I doing??I'm a professional who is supposed to be re-telling you this somewhat of a government secret!Back to the story at hand:

Chris went on with Adette still clinging onto his arm.Hallie went on with her phone moving at a much faster rate.
Doors creaked.The wind blew making creepy sounds.
She shined the phone around."Where exactly should we look?"
"Call Charlie,Chris."Adette suggested.
Chris had to take off the radio from his pocket but the pocket was in his right side which was the arm Adette was longing on to.
"Uh...Adette,please let go for a while,I need the radio."
"'s dark..."
"That's not an excuse Adette!Just let Chris take the radio!"Hallie exclaimed.

The speaker crackled.A soft but sinister voice came over.
"We find life a death struggle against the powers of capitalism.Only complete faith in the President can protect you.Only total compliance can save the lives of you and your family."

Chris' mind started to ache.He had visions and a strong urge to submit to the Faridean President.It was as if she was the answer to a deadly virus.As if she was the last comforting human to look to.
"NO!It's a mind control simulation!Don't listen to it!"Chris shouted.
Adette and Hallie almost submitted but were able to block it out.

"Empty your mind and submit to her will.The less you know,the better off you will be."The speaker continued but they blocked out the rest of the words.They could hear a bit and felt the subliminal mind control attempt to take its effect on them.
"I" was all they could hear.They soon heard the speaker crackle to signal that the transmission ended.
"That was horrifying!"Hallie said.

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