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November 11 ,  1:09

Hi Louis. I'm sorry I haven't written in the past month. That's kind of why I'm writing now to do a recap.

Nothing happened last month. It was a really boring month actually. Oh, except halloween. I decided to go buy candy and give it away. There weren't many kids coming to our flat though, so I ate most of the candy.

So yeah, that's that. Then November started. I've just cleaned a few different things. The bathroom, the kitchen, and myself haha.

I refuse to clean our room though. When you come home, I want it to be exactly like how you last remembered it.

Although, I did wash some of my clothes.

I'm sorry.

It's just that the clothes I was wearing was a few months dirty so I didn't want to shower and then get dirty again, if that makes sense.

So, that day is coming up soon..

I thought maybe if I didn't count the days it'd give you more time.

More time to be found.

I know you're out there Louis, I know you are. And I'll be waiting for you, even after they stop looking. I know you'll come home one day.

Hopefully that's soon.

I'm sorry this entry is shorter. I don't have much to say anymore.

I love you Louis.

Come home already.


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