533 27 4

December 2 , 7:09

Hi baby.

I've gotten really bad at writing about things that happen, haven't I?

A part of me really just wants to give up on this journal altogether. But with that date so soon, it'd be awful if I did.

What's it like where you are?

Is it better there than it is here?

Is that why you haven't come home yet?

I'm probably being stupid asking these questions but I just wonder sometimes. I'm sorry.

Okay well, over the past few weeks I haven't done much.

Thanksgiving was alright I guess. I went over to Niall's flat and I met a few new people. They were nice but some of them were hitting on me when Niall wasn't around. I guess they didn't know about you.

No worries though, I ignored them after that and stayed with Niall for the rest of the time I was there.

They eventually all ate. I couldn't tell you if the food was good or not though because I only had a small glass of wine.

The wine wasn't very good. I don't like alcoholic drinks all that much.

After Niall's I went home. I had a glass of water and then I just went to sleep. I was really tired for some reason.

Anyway, here I am now. I'm currently writing this in a coffee shop. The coffee here smells really good but I haven't ordered anything. There's a lot of people here so hopefully they don't notice i'm just sitting here at one of their tables and not ordering.

I might later I don't know.

My mum sends me money but I still feel bad using it.

I miss having my own money and spending it on you. I loved buying you presents. You hated when I spent money on you though.

The ring I got you was pretty expensive, you'd probably be upset with how much money I'd saved up to buy it for you. But it's okay, it's worth it.

Speaking of getting things for you, you're birthday is coming up. It's going to be really upsetting to not be able to celebrate it with you. Christmas also.

I think i'll only write in here this month to say 'Happy Birthday' and 'Merry Christmas'.

Again, i'm sorry.

I love you.

Please come home.


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