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Justin P.O.V

I hate the fact that Sydney hates my guts. It pisses me off more that we have to pretend were a thing in public even tho at home were distance. She is so hard sometimes it just makes me think of all the girls I've had in the past. They were all easy so obivously I got my ways with them and they accepted but Sydney...very very VERY different.

Tonight is my concert and I want her to come Just to show her what its like and to be supportive since theres alot on my shoulders. I walked upstairs and walked into her room.

"What do you want?" she said

"well goodmorning to you, how was your sleep Justin? Great thanks for asking!" Justin said mimicing my voice at some parts.

"What do you want!" She said sounding annoy

"Just support" I smiled

"For you, Never" She laughed

"I know your mad at me and trust me I'm mad at myself too I just really want you there" I begged

"Where?" She said

"I have a concert that i need to do in 20 minutes could you please come?" I said

"Fine I'll go-

"Yes" I said

"On one condition" she smirked

"Anything" I begged

"I get a phone" she crossed my arms.

"No" I said crossing my arms.

"looks like I'm not going" she said sitting down reading my magazine

"F-FINE" I groan

"Thank you" she turned.

"But rules, Don't even dare try calling your fri-

"Yes I know" she rolled her eyes

"Be ready in 5 minutes" I said walking out.

Sydney P.O.V

Justin finally agreed that I can now get a phone. Finally I can start talking to people instead of justin

I put on a black dress with some boots. i curled my hair and did my makeup.

After I was done I walked downstairs and saw Justin waiting on the couch.

"wow your looking hott" He smirked

"Thanks, you don't look to bad yourself" I said

"Wearing some sweats and a tanktop is a hott outfit?" he smiled

"I was just being nice" she faked smiled.

"So was I" I faked smiled back

we both walked out and got in the car.

We were now at the Phone store. Justin got me an iphone 6s and handed it to me.

"I'll pay for it" I said handing my credit car to the cashier

"No i'll pay for it" He said taking my card out of the cashire's hand and putting his in the cashires hand.

"Justin, let me do it!" I said

"I got it" He said

"No" I said

"Look, we don't have all day so.." Justin said looking at his watch

"Then let me pay for it" I said

"Let me" He laughed

"We could do this all day" I crossed my arms.

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