Back into his arms

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It was 1am. Justin was sleeping. I went out the window since it was the easier way for Justin to know I was "still there" since my door was locked.

I called Kylie saying if she would drive me to the airport and she accepted. I waited about 5 minutes and she came.
I got in and she drove away.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Kylie said

"It's for the best" I said


We were finally at the airport.

"Don't leave because Selena, This is what she does, when she sees someone she loves in another girls arms she does this. Please don't go" She begged

"My life has been hell since I got here-

"Flight #68 10 minutes til the flight leaves" the flight attendent said.

"I gtg" I said

"Can I atleast have a hug" She smiled

"Of course oh and don't tell Justin I went back to my hometime" I smiled

"I'll try" She said

I gave her a hug and then walked away. I gave the flight attendent my ticket and then I walked in.


Justin P.O.V.

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I looked to see it was Selena. I sat up and answered it.

"Hello" I said

"Hey Justin, guess what!" She said with so much excitment

"What?" I said

"Teen magazine called and they said they want us to be on the cover page but no worries thats not until a week away, I can't wait!" She said

"Same, so were dating" I faked smile

"Of course you silly goose" She laughed

"Good, i gtg...i love you" I smiled

"Love you too" She said.

I hung up and got up. I went to go open Sydneys door when it was still locked.

"Sydney, I really need to talk to you" I said

*No Response*

"You can't be that mad at me" I laughed

*No Response*

"Sydney" I banged on the door.

She didn't answer, I stepped back and then ran into the door hoping it would open which it did. She wasn't in bed, it was made and everything was put away nicely. She wasn't even in the bathroom.

My race by the minute. I looked under the bed, in the closets, ect. She wasn't here at all but the window was open.

Did she run away?

Sydney P.O.V.

I was waiting at the airport looking for my boyfriend Dylan.

"Sydney" Someone said

I turned and saw Dylan. I ran up to him and hugged him to death.

"omg you have no idea how much I've missed you" I hugged him tightly

"I miss you more, where were you?" He said.

"Um..erm...My dad sent me to boarding school" I said

"oh that must suck" He laughed

"Yeah the worst but since I'm away can I now spend time with you" I kissed him

"That would be great right now" He said

Justin P.O.V.

"I can't find her!" I said

"Thats your fault" Tyga said.

"Yeah but I wasn't expecting for her to leave" I said

"You laughed at her at the party" Tyga said

"Can you act like my homie instead of an asshole" I spat

"Are you sure it isn't the other way around" Kylie mumbled

"Guys stop, I have alot on my mind and I'm really worried about her. what if shes not ok" I said

"Trust me shes fine" Kylie mumbled

"What Kylie" I said

"N-nothin" she laughed

"You're hiding something" I said

"No i'm not" She said

"Kylie c'on i known you for YEARS, you know where she is" I said

"No i don't" She said

"Kylie, i made a big mistake and it was a mistunderstanding of what happenned last night just please tell me where she is so I can fix things" I said

"She went back to her hometown" Kylie said

"To visit her Dad?" I said

"no she said she was visiting some guy name Dylan" Kylie said

"Thanks" I said walking away

"Where are you going?" Tyga said

"To go get her back" I said 

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