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Justin P.O.V.

I woke up feeling ok. Rylee hasn't texted me at all and I'm kinda getting pissed. Sydney, on the other hand is ok. Kylie texted me earlier saying Sydney was a little happy which is better than nothing.

Sydney P.O.V.

I woke up feeling like a new person. I wasn't really upset or mad about anything. I decided to go downstairs and make myself something to eat until I came across some flowers. Justin had gotten me flowers yesterday but i didn't really pay attention to them. I looked around the flowers and saw a note attached to it.

I read the note and began to smile. I'm glad Justin forced me to talk about it because I would've never been happy. I then heard a knock at the door, I walked over to it, and opened the door to see Kylie.

"Hey" I smiled giving her a hug.

"Hi" She said

"Is everything ok?" I said

"Yeah, I just need your help with something" she said looking for something in her purse. She then took out a pregnancy test.

"Oh my gosh" I said

"I've known for 5 months but I didn't want to tell you until you were out of the hospital and happy" she said

"No that's fine. I honestly didn't see you were that far wow. I'm so happy for you" I said giving her a hug.

"Awhhh thanks and I'm glad you think that because I'm trying to cover it in-front of paparazzi's and my fans. I just don't want this to be public yet" she said

"Yeah I get it and that's good. Is that Tyga's baby or Travis baby?" I said

"Definitely Tyga's" she laughed

"Ok good because I like it better when it's you and Tyga" I laughed

"No it's fine" she said

"ooo I want to plan your baby shower oh please!" I said

"Of course, you can start now if you want but keep it a secret since it is a private party and I don't need the whole world knowing" She said

"Of course" I said

"You should ask Justin to help" she said

"Why?" I said

"Planning a baby shower takes more than one person and he's helped plenty of people with a baby shower" she said

"So have I" I laughed

"Good. Then you both have something in common to share about your ideas...I'll be back later" she said

"But Kylie-

"Bye" she smiled

She then walked out. Kylie wants Justin to help out and obviously I'm going to do it for her since it's her day. I took out my phone and texted Justin saying:

Hey Justin, want to meet up in a few hours to talk about some things.

I waited a few minutes for him to reply which he did saying:

Of course. We can meet up at the new bakery at 2:30pm

I then replied "ok" and put my phone down.

Justin P.O.V. *Three hours later*

It was 2:20pm and I was getting ready to meet with Sydney. She told me she wanted to talk about some things, but that could be anything. What if she wants to talk about our relationship, or us being friends, uh no..what if it's about Rylee and I. TMZ was talking about her and I earlier this week so what if Sydney knows something. Maybe I'm just overreacting, Sydney probably wants to catch up on things. I left my house, got in my car, and drove off.

*5 minutes later*

I was finally here at the new bakery . I sat down and was on my phone.

"Oh my gosh is that you Justin Bieber" Someone said

I turned and saw two young girls around the age of 15.

"Yeah" I said putting my phone down.

"Can we please take a pic with you" They both said

"Of course" I said

I slide down so they both can sit next to me. I took one of their phones and took a whole bunch of pictures.

"Thank you soo much" one girl said

"No problem" I said

A minute later, Sydney came walking in and sat down across from me.

"Hey" I said

"Hey" She said

"What did you want to talk about?" I said

"I'm guessing you know Kylie is pregnant?" She said

"Yeah of course" I said

"I want to throw her a baby shower and she told me that she would love if you helped out since you've thrown a lot of baby showers before" she said

"Uhh I don't know" I said scratching my head

"Oh c'on Justin. This would be great. Both of her best friends getting together and throwing her the best baby shower would be awesome!" I said

"Fine I'll do it" he said

"Thanks. We'll start planning tomorrow" She said writing something down in her journal.

"Ok...Do you feel a lot better today?" I said

"Yeah and I'm not sure if I thanked you for the flowers or for helping me yesterday" She said

"Oh no problem. I'm always going to be here for you no matter what" I said

She then smiled. I haven't seen her smile in awhile, she's so beautiful ugh why did I ever fuck up!

"I'll see you tomorrow" she said

"Ok. Bye" I smiled

"Bye" She said getting up and walking out.

I took a deep breathe and smiled at the fact that this meeting went well. I honestly thought she was going to talk about rumors that have been going on with "Rylee and I" to be honest, I don't think there's anything going on between us especially since she has a kid. We definitely flirted but I don't think I'm ready to take care a kid. I'm still the same guy who cheats on loyal girls and maybe...I'm always gonna be like that, sadly.

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