Backstabbing Brother PART ONE

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I woke up to the smell of bacon. I rolled over and rolled my eyes. I can't believe my brother is here. I didn't really sleep much because Jason was blasting music and I also couldn't sleep. I decided to call my mom to see what she can do.

"Good morning" my mom said

"Morning mom, I have a problem and I need your help to fix it" I said

"Of course what is it?" She said

"Jason" I said

"Why is Jason there?" She said sounding very confused

"I don't know. He showed up at my door just minutes after Sydney left. Glad Sydney didn't see him" I said

"Even if she did she'll assume it's you but one day she's gonna have to find out you have a brother-

"Brothers don't steal your girl and have a kid with them. At this point, he's dead to me and the only reason I let him in was because I was tired and I wasn't gonna deal with him. I'm giving him two days to figure out where he's staying and if he doesn't then I'll just send him your way" I said

"Ok that' s Fine. As long as you give him a day I'm fine with it. I got to go so I'll talk to you later" she said

"Ok bye" I said

"Bye" She said hanging up

I put on my slippers, put my phone in my pocket, and walked downstairs to go make a cup of coffee.

"Good morning" Jason smiled

"Morning" I said

"Someone stopped by and dropped this off by the way" he said tossing me a stack of envelopes

I picked them up and put them on the other counter

"What is that for?" He said

"None of your business" I said

"I figured you'd say that so I open one...Welcome to Kylie and Travis baby and it's tonight" he smiled

"Give me that" I said walking over to him

"Damn it's start in a couple hours...I'm going" he said handing it to me

"You are not going anywhere near that party" I said

"Why?" He said

"No one knows you're in town and besides, Kylie doesn't like you so she wouldn't want you there" I said

"Then I'll just pretend to be you" he said

"No you're not. You're staying here and finding something to do" I said

"Damn what's with the blues?" He said

"You're here. That's why" I said getting a cup from the cabinet

"You haven't seen me in four years and the first thing you do is give me attitude?" He said fake being sad

"No the first thing I gave you was a place to stay in which you have two days to find somewhere else" I said putting cream and sugar in my coffee.

"C'on Justin, let me stay a little longer-

"You're 48 hours starts now" I said walking away

"Wait" he said

I then stopped and turned to him.

"Look...I lost my job and mom and dad won't talk to me. I know I'm the last person you want to see but you're practically all I have right now. I just need a week or two to stand back on my feet please?" He said sounding upset

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