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Sydney P.O.V.

I was then awaken from the doorbell ringing constantly. Who the hell is at my door at 5am. I walked downstairs and looked out the glass door. It was Cameron...what the hell? I then opened the door.

"What are you doing here?" I said

"I'm picking you up" he smiled

"My flight isn't until-

"5:45 I know but you're gonna be late since it's 5:30 right now and you still have to drive to the airport. Come with me. I'm taking you on my private jet" he smiled

"Thank you for the offer but I'm fine. I'll just get another ticket-

"Sydney, come on. I'll wait if I have to" He said

Cameron is so nice. I forgot to set my alarm clock and somehow he just knew I would forget to.

"Fine I'll be right back" I said

"Ok" he said

I walked upstairs and got my suitcase. Before I went downstairs, I made sure I put my charger, toothbrush, tooth paste, etc all in my bag before I went downstairs. I put on some sweats along with jacket and some slides on. I then went downstairs and left the house.

"Ready?" He said

"Yes" I said

The driver then took my bags and we got in the car.

"In case if you're hungry or thirsty, there's gonna be a lot of it on my plane" he said

"Oh good thanks" I said

We then drove off and we're finally off to Bora Bora.

Justin P.O.V.

I woke up by the feeling of something getting thrown at my head. I opened my eyes all the way and saw a half eaten apple right by my head.

"Wakey Wakey" Jason said walking out of my room

"Ouch that hurt" I said throwing the apple on the ground

"Oops, did I throw that at you? I'm sorry I meant to throw it in the trash but I guess my aim was a bit off" he said walking back in my room.

"Ya know it was really good when I could actually enjoy sleep before you got here" I faked smile

"Well if I wasn't here, you would've missed your plane. We have 15 minutes to get change and be ready before the limo picks us up" he said walking out of the room

"Oh shit I forgot" I said getting out of bed.

I then got out of bed and started changing into some sweats and a hoodie. I then put on some slides and went downstairs to get my suitcase.

"Wow just in time. They're pulling in the driveway" Jason said

Jason and I walked outside with our suitcases along with our carryon. We put it in the truck and got in the car.

Sydney P.O.V.

I was finally at Bora Bora. It was so pretty and the weather was just beautiful as always.  It was currently 1pm.

"Cameron, the limo is here" the flight attendant said

"Ok thank ready Sydney?" He said

"Yeah of course" I said getting out.

We then got off the plane and got in the limo.

"Oh my gosh, I should've never warn sweats" I said taking my jacket off

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