Meets Ex Part 2

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It was now 9:40pm and Cameron was talking to his guys backstage while I was talking to my girls backstage in the dressing room.

"You guys need to date, the red carpet pictures are trending on Twitter of you two" Mia said passing my phone.

"No" I said

"Why!" Ariana and Kylie said.

"Because I-

"You still love Justin" Mia rolled her eyes.

"We broke up a couple of weeks ago, I can't get over him like that" I said

"No pressure, we accept you just being friends with Cam" Mia said

"Thank you" I said

"I CALL TALKING TO CAMERON!" Ariana said running out.

"NO I CALLED IT" Kylie said

"Guys stop, don't make him ask me out" I said facing towards him.

They rolled their eyes and walked away from me.

I like Cameron. But not yet to make him my boyfriend. I love him as a friend and thats all I want right now. A friend. If he ask me out and I said no, things will be awkward between us.

I turned and bumped into someone.

"Sorry" I said

"Its ok" He said

I look up and saw it was Justin. He then helped me up.

"Thanks" I said

"No problem, You look beautiful" He said

"Thanks" I said looking down.

"This doesn't have to be so werid for us-

"I'm not trying to, it's hard seeing someone you love so much already starting a family" I said


"It's ok, If your at the step in life. i'm not so i couldn't give you that" I said trying to smile thinking I was ok with it.

"No Syd, I'm n-

"Hey, the awards about to start, you ready?" Cameron said wrapping one of his arms around my waist.

"Justin, this is Cameron. Cameron this is...Justin" I said

"Hey it's nice to meet you" Justin smiled shaking his hand

"Nice to meet you too" Cameron said

"I...uh..gtg I'll talk to you guys later" He said walking off.

"Justin" I said trying to stop him

"Look I'm fine, I just wanted to tell you, you look beautiful tonight" He said

Justin thinks I'm dating Cameron. Great.

"Was that the ex?" He said

"Yeah" I said

We walked off backstage and started going to our seats. The awards begin and the first person started to perform which was Justin.

After awards ended -

It was already late and Cameron and I were tired.

"Are you guys going to the after party?" Mia said

"Do you want to?" I said

"No, I'm tired" He said

"No, were not going sorry" I said

"Ok see ya" Mia hugged me and Cameron.

We got in the car and started driving off.

"Today was just...-

"Yeah" Cameron said.

"All I want to do right now is watch cartoon and eat junk food" I said

"Same" He said

"Wanna sleep over my house?" I said

"Sure" He said


After about a minute, we were now here. We got out of the car, Cameron made got the junkfood and changed the channel to Cartoon network.

I walked upstairs and started changing into sweats with a long shirt.

We both sat down and and started eating Skittles.

"Thanks for being there for me, without you idk where I would be" I said looking up at him.

"Your welcome and thanks for being there for me aswell, You support me and you don't ever make me feel as if I'm alone. I can tell you anything and thats why your mt bestfriend" He smiled

"Thanks" I smirked

"Np" He said

We both went back to watching tom and Jerry. We were laughing at some of the parts.

I think I'm over Justin. I don't think about him how I used to and I think Cameron made me realize whats more important. Him. a.k.a Cameron Dallas

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