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Sydney P.O.V.

I feel happy because I didn't die but sad that I'm waking up to the person that promised they were going to be here. Of course Kylie, Ariana, and Alfredo are here but the person I'm waiting for hasn't showed up. All of sudden, someone burst into the room running towards me. It was Cameron. I was happy he was here but he's still not the one I was waiting for.

"How are you doing" he said hugging me

"I'm good" I smiled

"You say it like you weren't in a coma for a year" Cameron said

"I'm fine Cameron, I'm just a little tired" I said

"How? You've been sleeping for months" Kylie said

"Oh whatever, I really do feel fine and I want to get up, I'm tired of laying down" I said sitting up

"No, your doctor told me you need to rest" he said

"I just want to walk around for a little bit" I said getting up.

As I was getting up, something drop. I picked it up and saw it was a book. As soon as I read the name,  I immediately knew who I was waiting for. Justin.

Justin P.O.V.

I was currently at the dance studio figuring out what my routine was going to be like tonight. But, I rarely was focusing on that part. I was mainly on my phone texting Rylee.

"Justin, what the hell are you doing!" Twist said walking in

"I'm getting ready for my routine tonight" I said not looking at him and on my phone texting.

"Please tell me you're not texting that girl" he sad sounding annoyed

"Fine, then I won't tell you" I said

"C'on Justin, your fans are looking forward to seeing you tonight!" Twist said

"I know, Rylee and her son is going to be there" I smiled looking up at Twist.

"I'm canceling your concert tonight" twist said taking out his phone.

"NO!" I said

"Justin, you're not focusing on the main part of your concert. You're giving Rylee and her son free tickets to your concert, you rarely rehearse, and you always skip studio times now. What's gotten into!" Twist said

"I just like her" I said

"But you should love your fans, they were the ones that were there since day one and it's like you're choosing her over your fans. What would Sydney say!" Twist

"What does Sydney have to do how I'm acting" I said

"Justin, yo-

"Whatever, just cancel the tour tonight" I said walking out.

I honestly hate when my friends always reflect my feelings or my actions on Sydney. She's practically dead to me.

Sydney P.O.V.

Sadly, I was still in the hospital. Everyone decided to leave since they were busy with their things while I was here by myself. I decided to look at the book that was written by Justin. I opened the first page and saw it was like a diary. The first page read:

Dear Sydney,

It's been a week since I last saw you awake. I haven't visited you since the day I heard you were in a coma because...I'm not ready to see you like that. It's my fault, I know that but if I could go back in time and take out me being an asshole I would in a heart beat.
I've been in therapy for a couple of days, my mom thinks I should since there's a lot of things on my chest. I told my doctor that the only person I talk about my problems to is you, Sydney. She recommended me to write updates on how I'm feeling in a diary/journal since you used to do that. I said I would try it to see if I'll like it and I actually do. It's very hard for me to not think about you. My friends say I should let go because they think you're gonna die. I have faith you'll make. You're a strong woman. I had an interview with Ellen today. We were talking about the last time when we were on the show and then we started talking about our separation. I hate talking about the bad in life. It makes me feel even more angry with myself. But I told her and the fans what happened between us and how it was my fault. But now, I'm the new Justin. I've learned to be a better man. I've changed just for you, I just wish you were able to see me now.
My album dropped today. It's called "purpose" I wanted to play it for you before I released it but you've fallen into a coma. My friends don't really like the album because they think I'm in my feelings with
Some of the songs on there. But I honestly don't care anymore what they think.

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