Connection again

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Sydney P.O.V.

Dear Diary, it's been awhile since I updated on you where I'm at in life. The last time I wrote in here was when I hated Justin and I was writing to my mom so I'm in need of a serious update for you and I'm gonna make it short as possible, ready? we go so...I fell in love with Justin, then he cheated on me, I stopped talking to him, my dad kidnapped me and I almost died, Justin saved me, I was in a coma for almost a year, I woke up to hearing news about Justin dating another girl (haha a story for another time)  when he told me he was gonna be there for me when I wake up but never did (but that's also a story for another time), my best friend Dylan died, Justin comfort me, my best friend Kylie is currently pregnant, I reconnected with Justin to plan Kylie's baby shower, and now Justin and I are friends again. I know what you're thinking...a lot to take in but this all happen in a matter of two years. I'm just so over with this year that I'm wanting to start this new year over again.

End of diary

Like I said before, Justin and I are friends again and are having a great time. Luckily there isn't any rumor about us...yet since Justin is dating someone and we haven't even covered that topic yet but I'm gonna bring it up. I was currently at his house just laying on his bed looking over the book for kylie's baby shower knowing it's gonna be beautiful. Everything is done and set up. Her baby shower is gonna be tomorrow on New Year's Eve since she wanted that to happen. Yesterday, Justin and I went to the doctors to find out the gender and were happy to announce she's having a girl. I'm super excited for her and Tyga. After putting the book to side, I started thinking about Justin. I'm starting to like him and I know I told myself I won't have feelings for him he just makes me feel a way no guy has ever made me feel and I like it and this time it's just so different and it feels right. We started our whole friendship off on a good feet and forgot about the past and I'm so happy for it. We've literally been hanging out non stop just planning the baby shower and just watching movies together that I'm starting to have the old feelings for him but I can't...he has a girlfriend and I should let it go.

"Alright so we're good with everything. The party is getting set up at 5pm and the party won't start till 6 and then end til New Years" Justin smiled

"Oh that's good. I can't wait for this baby shower. All this planning was so worth it" I said

"Yes and which it calls for a drink" he said raising up two glasses in one hand and a bottle in the other.

"It's late, I should be going home" I laughed getting up

"Oh c'on just one drink" he said

"Fine" I said taking a glass from his hand

"Thank you" he said

It silent until I broke it a minute later.

"We've caught up on each other's lives but you just skipped this one thing" I said

"What?" He said pouring the wine in my glass

"Rylee" I said

Justin stopped and looked up at me. A second later he looked down pouring himself a glass and then putting it down

"How do you know her" he said

"I don't. I just remember hearing that name so clear. Who is she?" I said


My phone then rang. I looked at it and saw it was Kylie.

"Hey" I answered

"Hey, are you still over Justin's house?" She said

"I was just getting ready to leave why?" I said

"Good. Jordyn and I are about to go out for dinner and we wanted you to come" she said

"Of course yeah I'll be there. Text me the place" I said

"Ok see you then" she said

"Alright bye" I said hanging up

"You're leaving?" He said

"Yeah, I'm going out to eat with Jordyn and Kylie so I'll see you tomorrow?" I said putting my shoes on

"Yeah i'll see you tomorrow" he said

I walked downstairs, grabbed my keys on the couch, and then left his house.

Justin P.O.V.

I didn't want Sydney to leave but the timing of her talking about wanting to know who Rylee was, was perfect. Kylie called just before I could say anything else. I don't want Sydney to find out about her and it's not the fact that I'm ashamed of Rylee it's the simple fact that rylee already had a family and her and I were talking to the point we connected on a level Sydney and I have never. I was even close to her kid which I miss him and I don't want to hurt Sydney's feelings.

I then heard a knock at the door. Who the hell is knocking at my door at 8pm. It's probably Alfredo or Tyga. I heard them banging on the door.

"I'm coming!" I said walking down the stairs

I then opened the door and I was shocked. I didn't know what to do at this point. A whole bunch of emotions were coming out of nowhere. I wasn't sure if I wanted to cry or just be mad he's here. He never gave me a call or text I mean if he did it's because I blocked him on everything.

"Well well well brother" he said

"Hey Jason" I said

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