Forced Part One

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Elena P.O.V.

I woke up having a migraine. My body was aching every time I moved. I looked around and saw I was in an unfamiliar place. There wasn't any windows. It was just a bed and a chair. Someone opened the door and I instantly started getting scared.

"Where am I?" I said painfully sitting up.

"Don't worry, your safe" he said

He came towards the light so I could see his face.

"Dad?" I said

"Hey sweetie" he grinned

"What are you doing here?" I said

"Just wanting to see you, how's life-

"Cut it with the bullshit, If your wondering where Justin is I don't know" I said

"Don't worry about him, he's in a safe place" he grinned

"What did you do to him?!" I said

"Nothing....yet" he said

"Just leave him alone" I said

"Never" he said

"What did he ever do to you" I said

"There's a lot of things that he's done that he hasn't told you" he said

"How would you know? You haven't even been around!" I said angrily.

"I've been around much to say he's playing you!" He said

"And how would you know that!" I said

"Justin worked for me, I know his games, honey" he smiled

"Then why am I here?" I said

"To kill him" he said

"Well sorry, I'm interested in doing your dirty work" I said

"Sydney, this guy hurt you and your willing to see him live another day" he said

"It doesn't mean when someone hurts me or betrays me I have to kill them. Yes, I can't stand him but if I kill him, I have to live with that!" I said

"Than I guess we're changing plans" he said


"Dylan!" He yelled.

A guy walked in and once I saw his face I was confused.

"Dylan?" I said

I can't believe me ex is here.

"Hi Sydney" he said

Justin P.O.V.

It's been hours I've been trapped in this room. I don't know why I'm here. The door opens and I instantly tighten my fist.

"Justin, hasn't anyone ever taught to shut up!" A guy said walking towards me.

"Who are you?" I said

"Don't pretend you don't know me" he said

"I'm not lying" I said

"So then it must be true" another guy said walking in

"What" I said

"You lost your memory" he said

"Look dude, I don't know what your talking about and plus I don't know you so let me go so I can go home to my fiancé" I said

"Your fiancé knows where you are so relax" he said

"Excuse me?" I said

"Selena" he yelled

A woman walks in and once I see her face i immediately was in relief.

"Selena, thank gosh your here. Help me get out of here" i said

"I'm afraid I can't Justin" she said

"Why not!" I said

"You hurt me by loving Sydney" Selena said

"What? I don't love her anymore and you know that!" I said getting angry.

"Then we'll see about that tonight" she said walking out.

"Tonight?" I said

"Oh you didn't here?" She stopped and faced me.

"No" I said

"Were gonna kill Sydney" she smiled and walked out.

Sydney P.O.V.

The chains around my wrist were hurting me. I tried pulling them off but I couldn't.

"If I were you, I wouldn't do that" Dylan said

"Or what? your gonna kill me!" I said

"Sydney, that's the last thing I want to do to you and you know that" he said

"Really? Because I don't know what to believe now from you" I said

"What?" He said

"Your working for my dad, the one who's trying to kill me" I said

"He's not, we're killing Justin" Dylan said

"And your accepting it?" I said

"He almost killed me, it's time for revenge!" He said loading his gun.

The door opens and a woman walks in. Once I saw her face in the light I instantly got mad.

"If your looking for Justin, he's not here" I faked smile

"Oh I know where he is, I'm looking for you" she smiled

"What do you want!" I said

"You dead" she said

"No ones stopping you" I said turning away.

"I know, that's why we're doing it tonight" she said

I turned and faced her.

"What? I thought we were killing Justin!" Dylan said

"The boss changed his mind" she said

"Then we need to change his mind back to killing Justin" Dylan said

"Killing Sydney is better and if you don't like the plan than I suggest you to leave!" Selena said

It was quite for a few seconds. I turned to Dylan.

"Fine I'll do it!" Dylan said

Author Note

Sorry it's been awhile. I'll try to update twice a week

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