Chptr 1: Da Scene ov Da PWNAGE!!1!!1

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Author's Note: This is a parody story, certainly not meant to be taken seriously.

shurelok wholmes got a fone cal sudnli. he anserd it.

"shurelok we need u 2 com down heer!," exclaimd deetectiv lolstrod. "sum1 got pwned, lol."

"PWNED U SAY?!" shurelok yelld happly. "imma git down ther rite now."

"shurelok y are u so happy," dokter wotsun askd, being wize. "sum1 just got pwnd, wich meens there ded."

"wotsun ima high funkshining sosiopaf," shurelok sed dramaticly. "remembr?'

"oh yeh," sed wotsun.

suddenli mrs hudsun walkded in2 da room, jeneticly splicing londry detergint. "did som1 get pwned guyz?" she askd.  

"no mrs hudsun y u so dum-dum?" shurelok sed, literaly flying down da stares and puttin on his coht and skarf dramaticly.

mrs hudsun stard at shurelok with a lot of anger and a littl scardly.

"i iz just kidding," shurelok sed. "ur not dum-dum mrs hudsun."

"lolz," laffed mrs hudsun.

"yay good job shurelok," sed wotsun scardly.

shurelok wolkd out da door reely reely reely very very fastly. so did wotsun. but den shurelok peekd bak in2 da door.

"or am i kidding? muhahahahahahahaha!" he yelld happly. den mrs hudsun litrly eggsploded. 

"but dat's ok," sed shurelok wholmes az he calld a tacksi drivr. "dat waz just a robot mrs hudsun. da reel 1 iz out shoping fer londry detergint."

"lol," sed wotsun.


shurelok wholmes and dokter wotsun arivd at da scene of da pwnage very fastly.

"they're you guyz are, lol," sed deetectiv lolstrod angerly. "cmon u gotta see da pwned guy." lolstrod led dem 2 da scene, wher dere waz a ded guy who had gottin srsly pwned. shurelok investigatd da cryme dramaticly for a wile, den he stood up agen.

"i no who pwned dis guy," he sed. "meriarty."

"oh yeh?" sed a vois behind dem. "ill tell u dis, shurelok, i didnt pwn dis guy.

shurelok and wotsun ternd arond in slow moshun and screemed in terrer. 




"com over heer," sed meriarty, who waz in a suspishusly dark ally. "i need 2 tell u guyz somthing."

"ok," sed wotsun. den wotsun wolkd over dere. 

"ok fyne," sed shurelok, and he wolkd in2 da dark ally allso.

"guyz," sed meriarty. "i didnt pwn dat guy, but i no who did."

"who?" askd dokter wotsun.

suddenli ominus musick startd playing and meriarty put a flashlite up by hiz fais 2 make himsilf seem more scaryer.

"it was da misterius pwner from da aynchent prophesy of heros," he sed with ferius scardly.

"da aynchent prophesy of heros?" askd wotsun. "wut's dat?"

"itz a misterius prophesy frum da aynchent tiems ov 1887."

"wow wut duz it say?" askd lolstrod, who was dere fer sum reezun.

"it sez dat three heros, 1 with a bloo skarf and a lon coht and black cerly hair, 1 with shortir liter hair, who writes stuf, and somtiems haz a mustashe, and 1 who izn't deescribd wil be da 3 heros of da prophesy, destind by da epic destiny 2 pwn the pwner.

"wow so we r 2 of da heros!" shurelok and wotsun exclaymd, hi-5ing.

"no, we r!" sed some guyz who lookd alot liek shurelok and wotsun.

oh no who r da reel heros of da aynchent prophesy from 1887?!" find out in chptr 2.

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