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U no uts bad wen u haz 2 git ultimut villinz 2 halp. That wuz teh kais 4 wuzard shorlp, and he node hiom nead 2 kairful. Dat y hiz pot kid leeshiz ont mertry and torter guy. He givd davi tent leeash 2 reflek sherkl 4 saif keepong and handid teh meriat leepsh 2 wotso bkuz onlee trust spais shurimp 2.678%. "Now weem r reddy 4 nixt step' voised wizzl.

"Nut so fassed' kaim a vokalizashun owt uv cerly harf mowt. 'if wer do this referm villint teemup thong, i wunt in" and thay haddid 2 do ut bkuz PETA wood no if animul rites git ignoar.

"I no a eevil dormawmoo, u kood haz hiom 4 yorn bad guy' sujest wizarp

'It haz 2 be a animalt!!!!' point owt uv spais shril bkuz he node frum wunts wuz a spais pet.

Harf wuz taiked a long tiem 2 desid so Jon wotshelpful maidid a list.

Lits uv Animul Villinz popsibles
by jon haymitch wotsin

1-) tont dolfin/tweenkl me: lokl in ursinla unterwodder dunjin (ersala et key mebbe?)
2-) sherk/lef-hand sherl: alriddy part uv teh gang lol
3-) buninkula: no wun noze war hiz
4-) epik armudo raysist: disaperf in kwontum fixzicks?
5-) zombu anterton: iz him rly a villin tho ,bekuz stopl bimp frum expluf???
6-) tryanno: rand away frum babby voldinz nevr seed agin (altso kamt maik bedz gude so yoosliss)
7-) meriar2 todle: stil an portaton but wentid gawn OR ID THAY?!
8-) kweeny dawg: feminits villun but muts taik kare uv hond joonyer so unavaylabalt
9-( hownd baskerz: i akshully nit no lokayshun uvd ??.
10)- duz ooma loomerz kownt az anemillz?????! 😱
11-) jonithun kerly harf: maibee sumwut evul but him kant leeash himsalf tho

Harf wud konsidderin and finalty desid on sherk so wizrop pot babby leesh ont hiom and giv uther end 2 harfl so it wuz a epik chayn uv harf kuntrold reflekshun sherk hoo kuntrolt torcer guy.

'Altso, I haz pot mikroskopick majikull bompz in all teh villin hedz, so doarnt dissobay " sedded teh very wuzard, but sherk nut node if hiom kowntid as vilain so gulpt a littl skardly.

Wizharp opint a noo portarl and insyde thar wuz lots uv skrem and noyze liek "aaaaagl!!!' and "NUUUUUUUUU, innytheng but that!!' and "ew, i luke tarabul in yallow ' + mor yallinngs.

"VALLINS FERST!' sed uv wizron, "thiz plais uz dangeruz and bad gize art expenduball'

Wend thay haz all past throo portnal jon wots notist tortser guy wuz chompin at teh bix, sherkl barly kuntrolt hiom frum run awai. Wizart nodl hed at hiom and thay all fullowt. "Leed teh way, davi " werdz uv wiz.

"Wair r we??' shivr askin uv jon wotswuss.

"Hazint u gest by now? This Torcher Land," simpul sed uv wizrard shurl. 'Wairp dud u thot tortcher gize kaimd frum? Thin air?'

Sher enuft, ut wuz a seen frum an nitemair: everwair wuz persinz sportin mined kuntrol geer, amd taikd ternz uv be viktim. For eggzampul wuz a guy wochin sports hoo rly hait that, and anudder guy wuz wokkin up a eskalaiter TEH RONG WAY. A laidy wuz mine kuntrold 2 et KOLD peetsa but she liek HOT peetsa. It wuz SO nut rite, but jon haybraiv wotskurrij node hiom kant saiv everbud so cloze eyebulps and kawnsentrait on saiv bist frend sherlok wolnz.

"Doarnt worrit' sed voiz, 'weem r almoats there.' And jon wotswin wuz serpriz but then reelize ut wuz cerly harf wut sedded that, and haz bin reedin minez agin. *eyerull*


Meemwile, in a aira uv spaips klose 2 teh spawt wair spaits shurl livt .....

"Nok-nkok" sed a nokking ont spase dor.

"whart?' wud spais dur ansering and try HAHD to detekt uv hoo nokkl but noap uts impotsable so jus givd up an gode heywire so opint. Teh guy hoo wuz nokt walpz int but ut wuz a kais uv nobudu hoam.

'0h wal, im gess i wilp wate 4 git bak uv ppl ' delivro sed and SET DOUN FEDEKS PAKIDJ and landid on kowch, stert 2 kilt sum tiem by play smatched brooz.

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Uts a kyerius theen 2 haz yor hole lyfe b4 u but sudlenty in jayl with fyoochr ded and ghots and ghoatbussed. Jus wen loozed all hoap lolster rillize prizin wuz pronkl hevvin. How him fowndl owt wuz:

"Hay prizner yor fude heer ' gard sed.

It war pb sandy wit banama, "creemy pb, mine favrut ", Loostrod shruggl and et.

"Water a mint, yorn nut meriapty" gard wuz katch on.

"PROOV UT' lolstod, and rub hanz 2gedr 4 hapinets uv noo pronk targit.

10-7 owerz laitr him haddid prunk teh por gerd wit faik flowr skwert wodder in fais, hanshakk buzzr, shaivin Kreme on punkin pie imsted uv wipkrem, and pretendid 2 ded but akshully nut. Him abowt 2 krusht up orio kookeez and et faik dert wen a sperkl orinj porpal opent and a turcher guy kaimd owt.

"Tell me wut u nut liek" hiom sayd 'and I will maik u do ut!!!!!'

SAYETH WHUT?????! Kwestchunz swerl arond yor fais--> hoo maid that pertal uv wich tortcer guy bussed owt uv? Wud him still ON LEECH?! Wilt lolstron be TORCHER?!? (Wut hiom nut liek?) Y arent nut peepko and tigrin ont wopsin list?????? WUT GUY KAIMD 2 SPAIS 4 DELIVRON?? Wil spais dor evr be fiks? Keap reedin if u muts no!!!!!!

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