chptr 29: kwontum fizziks!!1!!

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jon hayplane wotsokkl plumiteen 2 erth almost asliep. but den he woakle up becuz him in a lyfe oar deth sichooayshun!!1!!1!

as he falleen he c sum berds fal 2. it wuz weerd cuz he koodive sworn dat berd luked a lot liek jon wictop cuz he hadded a moostash!

jon hayfly wotpip thonk it wuz hiz eyeboll playeen trik on him. he evun trikkle hisself in2 heereen distint eyeboll laftur!

but jon wotwottle wuz proofd ron! 1 uv teh berds wuz ware a EPIK spais soot and hav a tiny hare magnut 2 it. it wuz berd verzun uv spais shurlop whulmz!

jon woppop sedding "wut do u no, it iz troo!" but him onlee thotting it cuz mowth frozin in feer!

as he c teh grond geteen cloasr he cloze eyez and preepair 4 suddinly deth...

he land RITE on teh STOANHINJ and brake a hoal throo kwontum fizziks and fal throo teh hole so heez ok. 😃

jon wotkar land on sum sand and he no itz ruff and iritait cuz him wocheen atak uv teh cloanz jus dayz ago so he LEEP UP and say "not 2day, sand" and sand say "aw FIDLESTIKS!"

jon hayway wotfot haddid 2 fynd owt whare he wuz! ferst he c a tubblewead but nut spais tubbleweed and then he skip ovr a blery theen and he c kaktus.

but then he luke bak at teh bluree theen he skippled and ut wuz SHURELOK WHOLMEZ, NUT AN DRAGUN!!1!

"i am not an dragun innymore," sed shurtloo with an amownt uv obvus, leening agenst kaktuss but then not becuz he get spyke by ut.

"YAaaaaSaaaaaGaaaaaaKAAALRFL!" skreemle jon haysoda wotfrij with joyus expreshun.

"innywai," say shureloo luking arownd and him uzing lazer heering. jon wotdod kood tel by him sedding "tyme 4 lazer heering! im uzing it rite now."

suddenli alerm reen! and that meen shuredot detekt sumbud or suntheen," thotteen jon wotgrape a littl skardly.

sher enuff, shurelokkl say "fallo me" and leed jon 2 a sine that say "ur in teh wyld west in kais u diddunt no"

"wow we tyme travuld 2 teh wyld west!" shoutid jon haydolfin wotbow but he stert 2 falltur tords teh end thar becuz he geteen hungr! lukily he saivd teh 1 strawbear so him etting it and he fyne...4 now" thottid jon wotsyrup darkling.

meenwile teh theen shurelok had finded wuz a stor thut say "an wyld west cloths stor" so ppl hoo wer nut wyld west kood blendle in.

"alrite jon," say reglr shurl with en amownt uv prowdly but a littl skardly. "maik liek a bilbob and bergl teh cloths stor!"

so jon wotlot grineen mischif and maik liek a bilbib and bergl teh stor. he didded ut in a bler so shopkeaprz nivvr no.

he kum bak owt waring a epik cowboi hat and giv shurl a reglr cowboi hat, lolz. aftr dey get disguize dey go in2 saloon bekuz 4 eting. reeumbr wen jon wotprop wuz thonk "4 now?" wel he wuz proofid rite cuz him hungr NOW.

dey go insyde but then...

"hay!" shoutid a vois. jon haygutar wotdok tern arond 2 c a cowboi menasingly poynt reevolve STRATE at JON HISSELF!

"no plz doant shot," beggle jon wotwal with an amownt uv ironikle cuz he wood hav shotted a menaseen cowboi.

teh cowboi lift up hat and it MERIART!

"ur gunna pay fer opin dat kwontum fizziks hole, yeehaw!" he skreemle and shoot gun but sumbud heroikly jump in frunt and git shotted insted!

teh heroik sumbud fal 2 teh grond and shurelop lift up huz hat and it wuz MICFRUFT WHOLMZES!

"NUUuuuuZUuuuu!" yel shurelok wholmz with epik saddling and an amownt uv deyja voo.

den spais shurl jetpakkl insyde with hare and a guld star on spais soot. teh gold star wuz so shiny everbud eyez tern 2 dollar sines fer 5 mints then bak reglr but a tiny reflekshun uv doller sine stil thar 4 sum reezun.

everbud wuz so distrakt by shiny dey dud nut notiss teh star wuz a baj and it say "shurf uv wyld west toun" so he arestle meriart 4 howsebrake.

meriatty skreem "AAAGH NUuUZUu" bekuz he nut planeen 2 git arestle.

meenwile micfruft 2nd dethbed wuz saloon flor, lolz.

but everbud gittid an distrakt! it wuz bekuz a EPIK armudilo BERST throo teh woll and skreech "gimme al ur guld! also im luking fer a blak cerly harf."

teh epik armudillo eyez gleem with revinj. "we hav sum unfinnish bizniss 2 reezolv....!"

SAY WUT. wil micfrudt dide agen? wil dey ficks kwontum fuzziks and go bak 2 noo yearz 2016? wil armudilo bekum a rich guy? wut iz happun between teh harf and armudillo?! wil wotpop get arestle 4 howsebrake and also theeveen? reed teh nuxt chptr 2 no!

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