Chptr too: teh thurd guy

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'Hoo r dese gize? ' sed dokter watsun.

"i doant no, but lets challinj thim 2 a doowil ,"
sed shurelok, then we wull no hoo iz teh rill heroze uv teh proffissy."

'hay yer rite", yeld watsun, reelizing.

"2 l8, ' sed teh guy hoo lucked like shurelok and he takded off his skarf but underneef wuz a epic ninjuh sord!!!!1!

Shurelok wuz all like, "hay, look over der" and suddnli he wuz werring a disgize like a uld uld laidy.

'I kant ninjuh a uld laidy' sed teh guy with a sord, "i giv up, c'mon jon." Dey disaperd in a mirra that wuz dere fer sum reezun.

'i gess itz us' sed wotsun, shruggling. "Wut nixt?'

"We find teh thurd guy" shurelok sed epicly, looking strate at wotsun with a eyez lik eeglez, starring in2 teh sun.

"ok", sed wotsun, a little skardly.

Thay wokked and wokked wen suddnli wotsun getted hungri on perpis. "Stop, shurelok!!1 we need 2 eet."

'Srsly?' Sed shurelok, loling a little jently. 'We eet wen we find teh guy wich iz rite now."

That wuz like a signul fer teh guy 2 aper. He wuz ver tall. In fakt he wuz a tree.

"i am groot ' he sed, but sum ppl cald me Treeberd.'

"Wow," sed wotsun with a little confuze.

'Eggskyooz me," sed a voise frum wotsuns mustash. Hoo kood it b?!!1! Nixt thing u no, it wuz lolstrade bcuz he wuz hidin in dere teh hole tiem.

"Git bak in dere!" Sed everbud. He did.

'Now, ware wer we?' askd shurelok angerly. "i thot we wer gunna saiv teh wurld with dis tree!" He sed, wokking over 2 groot but aksidentily falling in2 a trap dor.

"Did that just rilly happin?' Sed wotsun darkly.

'Onlee 1 way 2 find owt," sed groot, twisting arownd in a danse and perpisly falling in2 teh trap dor 2.

Wotsun wuz not gunna b owt dun! He allso dansed but it wuz not az good. He lookd arownd suspishusly and pretinded to slip but wint in2 teh trap dor.

It wuz a ver long way down, ax long as teh rabbut whole in alis in wunterland eggsept mor epicer.

"I THINK LOLSTROD IS FALLING OWT" sed dokter wotsun wile he fald down fastly in2 teh whole. But he wuzzent, he just peaked owt for a mint.

Finly, dey wer all at teh bottom. It wuz pritty nise. Dere wuz gold on everthing in site.

"If yoo kan c me," sed shurelok wholmes with an amount uv unsher "klap 3-5 tiems." Ever1 wuz klapping and suddnli there wuz at leest 4 eksploshuns!!!!!1 Hoo kood make so miny???!!!

"Onli meriarty noze how 2 do shiz liek dat," sed shurelok withowt looking at any1.

"Yor rong." Sed a sinaster voise cumming frum sumwher in teh whole but nobud kood no where.

"Stay put," sed wotsun.

"Hoo did u say that 2," askd teh sinaster voise, a little skardly.

"Its ok " wotsun sed, "i wuz just tocking 2 all teh ninjas that wer abowt 2 kik u in teh fase!

'Lol ' sed Shurelok jently, trying 2 moov kloser 2 teh voise with hiz lazer heering. Teh plan werked!!!!1 he gotted over 2 ware teh sownd wuz cumming frum. He opend teh box it wuz cumming owt uv. Oh no Hoo kood it b in teh box?!! Find owt in teh nixt chptr!!!!!1!

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