chptr 24: dodder fite

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'i haz a SORD!!!!!!!!1'  yalld king oother danjerus, drohn it frum skaberd.

'wul i haz a NARWALLLLLL!' skreeml meriarty, maiking hi pich wissle onlee oshun anumulz kan heerd. liek a kyoo thay hird splusheen and a berstle sond frum teh udder room! sum1 wuz kumming owt but it not narwal! jon wotsun cood tel bkuz it nut hav hern.

'serry bowt dis' say tont dolfin with an amownt uv embarus 'but he nut kumeen. u shood hav did Christmas bonis, lolz' then he dyving bak doun 2 epick undergrond oshun.

'wel that wuz awkwerd' say harf darkly with amyoozmint.

' if u not hav weppin, we kood arm rissle?' say king oother a littl skardly.

'ok but fers my wyfe wil maik us sanwichiz' sed meriarty and him poynteen 2 mrs hudsin but she angary!!!!1

'NUUUUUZu!' she iz sedding wile poynt 2 jon haymis wotsicle 'he shood maik teh food!' everbud els wuz uhgree and startl 2 clap. so jon haynush wotsin wentud 2 kichin and start 2 luke fer sum ingreedints in teh noo frij.

meenwile, bak on throan room, thare wuz a nok on dor!

'hoo iz ut?' say meriart with anoid. sumbud kaim in an it wuz mary morstin!!! she haz kaim bak frum nort pole, gize! meruarty wuz start 2 git a ideuh!

'HAY!' sed mrs hudsin darkly 'wen i wuz angary b4 it wuzzint bkuz uv jon wotsin prizing cookeen! it wuz 4 bkuz wimminz rites!'

'wow' sed everbud, nut noing.

'wimminz kan fite gud! y kant wimmin do fiting an nut alwus COOKEEN!!!!!1' she skreeml with EPICK opreshun and greef.

'hay, sheez rite' sedded mary mirstin wizeling.

'u wil do dis battul ?' say meriarty but oother had nut spokend bkuz wen he heerd abowt wimmin fiting hiz mined brokdid. its ok tho bkuz suddelnty teh portal opin agen an a gerl wok owt.

'fodder!' she say with aginy, nelting down by oother syde, 'hoo did this 2 u?????/'

'i did'say mary morstin grumly, sedding a LIE on perpis. everbud gasple!

'thatz it!' morgawna say ENRAIJ 'LETS FITE!!!!!!!1'

thay r fiting priddy gud with uhlot uv grinting and sum slap. morgawna diddud a EPICK twerl kik an her legg shot owt and trip mary morstin! mary morstun fall 2 teh grond in a heep. everbud gaspt AGEN bkuz thay theenkd she wuz ded!

'Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarglll!' say meriart greefing and regret 'kan any1 saiv my dodder???/!1'

ever1 fergettid that jon wotsun wuz dokter, lolz.

'i kan do ut, if u let me owt' say a evul vois frum sumware. rite then jon woctsun kaim bak holdeen a plate uv delishuz toona on krakerz. ever1 git sum and start 2 et. after thay haved thair snak thay luke 4 guy hoo sed that. it was teh froggl! jon wotsun cood tell by him sedding 'hay it wuz ME that sed that!'

'NO WAY' say shurelok wholmz with fynalty, 'duz u NO hoo that froggl iz?'

'its not jys a randum froggl?!'sed meriarty serprizing with an amownt uv mined boggul.

but it wuz 2 lait! mirgawna haddid alriddy opind teh akwarum!

'ROWRRRRRR!' sed teh friggl and shaipshift in2 meriartoo!!!!!!

'hay, itz anudder me!' say meriarty joyus! 'u kan fiks my dodder?'

'U FULE!!!!!' say shurelok wholmes in rychiss angar ' u hav no ideuh wut u hav unleesht upon teh werld!' he faynt.

'that guy hoo faynt iz rong' say meriar2, looking sheepl and inosent 'i am onlee kum bkuz uv yor grate x10 grampaw profissor moriorty 2 SAIV YOR DODDER!' he dud a simpul danse and poynt at mary morstin and she SAIV! everbud clapl agen, evun morgawna.

'but now u doant win and wut abowt yor fodder?' say meriarty puzleen.

'akshully i h8 my fodder bkuz uv wimminz rites' she say sheeping 'i just liek 2 poonch ppl.' everbud laff.

'wulp' say meriar2 'gess its tiem 4 me 2 go bak 2 my akwarum, but duz any1 hav mor uv thoze smal munkeez that u feeded me b4?'

jon wictsun finely node! 'so u admut u et lolstrod!???/' he skreeml in akyoozayshun.

'no, he taist tarble, but after i spit him owt he maik sum srsly gud wofflz,' sedded teh meriartoo froggl nonshullawnt.

WUT?????????/!1 meriar2 LIEK lolstrod cookeen?!? wut kined uv monstir IZ HE???! wil ootherz mined evr b fiks? wil shutelok wholmz evr waik UP? reed teh nixt chptr if u wunt 2 no .........

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