Chptr 4: teh misterius mirra

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Meriarty wuz wokking twerd shurelok and dokter wotsun menusingly but gess wut? Ever1 had conveenyuntly forgot abowt groot aka Treeberd!

'Welp lukes liek u forgetted ME' sed groot danjerusly with sum epicly.

"O no!" Sed meriarty, " i thot u wer jus a reglar tree!'

'Wel im not' sed groot but he akshully wuz 1, eggsept he kood moov a littl.

"Enuf!" Sed meriarty grimli " now we fite!"

Dey startud punching and kikking uhlot, but dokter wotsuns kiks wer week bekuz he had a littl sad abowt lolstrod.  :'(  "he wood hav kikked and bited SO hard if he wuz heer " sed wotsun, teerly.

"WUT" sed shurelok, still punchin with teh mite uv a rilly stron munky dat werkd owt UHLOT.

'O i fergotted 2 tel u," sed jon wotsun, 'lolstrod dide in a trajik berger aksident"

"U gize r wimps" sed meriarty loling vishusly. Hiz kiks wer pritty good eggsept teh last wun wuz mor liek a kittun did it.

Dey wer fiting so lon dat wotsun getted hungry AGEN but he wuzzent goin 2 sai anything dis tiem. Finely shurelok terned hiz hed a littl and sed ' jon I theenk lolstrod iz stil uhlive " withowt tellin how he new dat.

'HE COODINT HAV SERVIVED DAT BERGER" sed wotsun angerly and puncheen HAWRD.

Perty soon dey wer all tierd eggsept groot becuz he wuz doing fotosinthesiss teh hole tiem wich wuz liek cheeting but nobuddy node. Wen everbud sat down 2 rest he swatted meriarty and it noct him owt kold.

"Thx " sed shurelok and wotsun heroikly laying down on teh grond.

'i no we fell down heer but how kan we git owt?" Wotsun sed. Dey tride teh danse liek spais shurelok didded 2 telepert but it diddunt werkd.

'WATE!" Sed groot 'i kan fly!' and even tho he wuz a tree he rilly kood fly but not rite now. good thing dey notussed a rope hanging down rite by meriarty.

"Sum1 must hav throwed dat down fer us!' Sed jon wotsun darkly.

Dey climed up but desided 2 retern l8er for teh gold.

"Meriarty iz stuk down dere, lolz" sed groot suspishusly.

"i just felt him agen!!!1 ' sed shurelok, terning arond fersly "i no its lolstrod!"

'WUT?! WARE????/" sed dokter wotsun.

'in my cerly hare" sed shurelok with simplety.

'Chek in dat mirra, 2 maik sher," sed jon. Dey bothe chekked in teh mirra dat was stil dere for sum reezun. How kood it b? Shureloks reflekshun was cheking hiz hare with hiz LEFT han! wich wuz weerd becuz shurelok waz RITE HAND! And dokter wotsuns reflekshun wuz weenking at him with a littl tweenkl in hiz eye, but DOKTER WOTSUN DIDDUNT hav a tweenkl so it wuz obvusly weerd and not rite.

'Dis iz obvusly weerd and not rite" sed jon wotsun dramatickly.

"o well' sed shurelok.

'did u fined lolstrod? Askded dokter wotsun.

'Yep, he wuz in my cerly hare all alon!' and he puld owt lolstrod by hiz eer but not frum teh hare on hiz hed frum teh hare dat iz liek a rabit ony biger and more epicker datz alwaiz with him no mattr wut.

'Hay, how did u feel him dere?/' askded jon wotsun

'i kan feel rabit fillings" sed shurelok, shruggling.

"Innyway, now dat we hav lolstrod bak, lets git to solvin teh cais!' sed jon wotsun. but it wuz 2 bad becuz dey koodunt becuz rite den 2 gize wokked fastly owtuv teh mirra and pointud ruhvolverz at shurelok wholmes and dokter jon wotsun!!!!!1!!!!1!

"i dont c any uld laideez NOW!' sed teh 1 that lucked liek shurelok.

he wuz holdin teh gun in hiz LEFT hand so dats how shurelok node it wuz teh reflekshun!

'Dats it!" sed jon wotsun angerly 'u gize R goin DOWN!"

O no! Wil shurelok and dokter wotsun beeble 2 beet dose 2 refleksuns, or wil dey git pwned in fyerius anger????/!!!!!1! Reed teh nixt chptr 2 find owt!!1

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