Chptr 15: da keen uv englond!!!1!

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jon wotsun wuz stil faynt but everbud els thonk he wuz ded! wel everbud egsept shurelok wholmes but he wuz stil sheeping.

"o no we hav 2 gitted him 2 dokter!" shoutid spais shurelok with absaloot sertinty and wery.

"gize diddunt u remembr i didded BRANE SERJY on shurelok wholmes?!?!" hare say with sellfish.

"ya but ur a villin," lolstrod remyndid him wizely wich wuz werd fr lolstrod cuz heez not ver smartle.

"GIZE imma dokter!" skreemd a guy hoo wuz there but nobud had notissd!

shurelok wholmes thotted da doktr guy luked familer, but he koodint kwyte plais it.

"ok you ficks jon wotsun?" askd MARY MORSTUN!!!!!!1!!!!1!!!!1!!!!1!

meenwile deep in jon haymish wotsunz myne he dramatickle heard mary morstunz vois so he sed to himself "witsun u betr woak up," and he did becuz heez obey, lol.

jon haymish wotsun woak up and saw mary morstun safely arivd at da sparkulcopter!

"lol we doant evin need werd doktr guy innymor," yelld spais shutelok wholmes trying 2 hapy dans but koodint becuz spais soot gottid reel hevy al suddin!

"AAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHH!" shoutid spais shurwlok wholms klawing fer lyfe! "i am ded!" and spais shurelok wholmes sankin in2 da grond and wuz owt uv site! all left wuz hiz epik spais helmit to ad dramatick to sitchooayshun.

"o no!" sed jon haymish wotsun darkly, greefing. but shurelok wholmes ternd awai so no wun saw hiz smyle!!!1! o and also shurelok wholmes izzunt hoo didded it, itz just that he nevr akshool berryd teh hachit!!!1!"

suddenli teh cerly hare wuz magnut 2 a frij teh dokter guy had brot! and it wuzzint ful mon innymor it wuz sunryzing!

"hay, wate a mint," sed jon wotsun, reelizing. "weer bean pikd awf 1 by 1!"

"u sher u gize dont recugnyzeen me!" sed da dokter guy tontly.

now he seemd mor familerey 2 shutelok wholms but jon haymish wotsun wuz confuzzld.

"ar u sum1 we no," askd mary morstun, inishiayting a 20 kweshtuns chalonge, lolz.

suddenli camruz rold and it wuz gaim show cald "GESS HOO".

"i'm on my fav tellyvizun sho!" shoutid jon wotsun joyus!

"yes, u al no me," sed teh dokter guy, grining mischif.

"uh do u hav inny pets," askded jon wotsun. teh camruz wer fokussd on jon haymish wotsun and drumrol happind!

"i hav a GOLDfishy," sed da dokter guy seemng EVUN MOR famileyer to shurelok wholmes!!!1!

"alrite shurelok wholmes ur kwestshun askr now," anounsir say epikly with meedium suspishun.

"wut lettr uv alfabit duz ur naim stert with," shurelok wholmes askded prowd with en amownt uv smartle intelajinse.

"m," sed da dokter guy hoo wuz now liek 99% familer to shutelok wholmes!

"r u micruft wholmz," askded mary morstun with sertinty!

"no" sed dokter guy

now shurelok wholmes wuz 100% sher hoo teh doktr guy wuz. in fakt, he izzunt rlly a dokter!!

"ur MERIARTY!!1!!" sed shurelok wholmes simplety.

suddenli gaim sho wuz gon and jon wotsun sigh with lonning.

"kerekt!" cunfrmd MERIARTY!!!1! "i wuz droping hintz liek crayzy, lolz."

shurelok wholmes reelizd teh hintz just now! teh tontly askeen, teh GOLDfishey, teh m, teh mischif grin!!1!

"but im not jus meriarty," sed meriarty with en amownt uv obvus. "im teh new keen uv englond, meriarty!!!1!"

lolstrod gaspded cuz he wuz ver loyull 2 teh sity englond!

"i gess i haz 2 do wutevr meriarty say!!" exclaymd lolstrod grimli wit sekrit hapinis cuz he wontid revinj on jon haymush wotsun!!1!

thin meriarty stold teh sparkulcoptr and floo shurelok wholmes, jon wotsun, lolstrod, and mary morstun 2 englondz famus prizun, azkiban!

WOW!!! how wil dey eskaip prizun! how did meriarty serviv! wut wil happin???/?!1 reed mor 2 no!

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