Chptr 20: CHRISTMAS SPESHULL part 2: a ver mer Christmas

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4 sail: 1 cerly blak hare (nut hed hare, liek a rabut but way mor epicker). iz allso a vampyr and a siberg, 4 bonis!!!!! (haz evun dud brane serjy b4 and injoy it). $25000 or bist offir, paipal onlee. if intrestid inkwire by emale 2 <> ps teh hare can REED YOR MINED

'that shood do it' sed spais shurelok wholmz sadding and a littl skardly, 'now 2 fined mally hoopr.'

meenwile, in teh epick undergrond oshun bineeth bukhim palis ...

'this iz not rite' sed narwall wifout inny hoap.

'haha but luke at this' tont dolfin say sootheen, holdin up noozpapr hedline 'KING UV ENGLOND UHLOAN ON CHRISTMAS, LOLZ'

'wow dat IZ funny' say narwall, cheering, 'wut a jirk. heez teh wers boss i evr hadded'

'wel, he tride 2 kild us, but maiby jus bkuz he kant fill teh Christmas sperit' sed teh sherk darkling.

teh narwall wuz startid 2 git hoap! 'i no wut 2 do' he say eggsitud.

back at teh nort pole ...

shurlook wholmes and jon haymus witsun wer git in stanta slay. wheatsun wuz drest liek a elf, lolz. teh raynder start 2 fli and shurloo wholms giding them wile jon whitsun sortle teh prizints.

'hay, thare iz sumthing in heer i not sher abowt' he say grimly 'luke at DIS!!!'

sherlokl lookt and faynt. gud thing raynder haz minez of thare own so keep fli innyway. now it wuz up 2 jon haymush woctsun 2 saiv Christmas!!!!1 he yooz hiz sell fone 2 maik a kall ...

sumware in spais mally hoopr wuz kondukting eggspearmints 4 aylens. ternz out thay NODE she wuz not rabut but jus taik her innyway bkuz uv syunce needz, lolz. lukly she had putted sum uv jon wotdin frinch tostle in pokit b4 she wuz obdukt, so she not dedded yit. 1 byte uv it wuz enuf 2 full stumik uv a groned man.

'HAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' showt a voys seddulnti. teh aylenz dint no ware it kum frum!!!!!1 mally hoopr tuk teh chans 2 chek her emale rill kwik but pritind 2 b skare 2. wile teh aylenz wer skrich ther hedz sumbud kaim by in a bler and grabd mally hoopr!!!!! thay disaper in bloo lite b4 aylenz evun no wut happin!

now bak 2 bukham palis ...

meriart wuz wish he nut kill everbud and lockl them out. 2 mor gostes had kame but he distroi thum bkuz he wuz prejoodis agenst gostes.

' if onlee i stil had my wyfe 2 maik me sum dinnr at leest' he sy. den owt on teh roof thare arose sich a kladder he spreen frum hiz bed 2 c wut wuz teh madder! teh moon on teh brist uv teh knew fallun sno wuz liek 'haha, u sed "brist"!' sum1 wuz kum down teh chimny so mariarty start 2 git hiz goste busder gun out.

'doant shoot!!!!!' shoutid mrs hudsin, climing owt uv teh ferplais. she hadded a groshree bag and she startid 2 wok 2 king uv englond.

'not so fassed!' sedded meriarty a littl skardly but it wuz jus frootkaik in teh bag wich wuz hiz faivrut! he start 2 et sum wen he heerd a splushing sownd. teh narwal burstid throo teh flor in2 hiz bedrum!!!!!

'i kind uv h8 u 4 nut givving me Christmas bonis, but i forgiv u' narwal say with an amownt uv prowdly. 'innuway, i nivvr kild thoze ppl u thot i kild, so wer evun.' and he start 2 danse UHLOT and wuz priddy gud, akshully.

'if wer goin 2 hav dansing, we knead myoozik!' sed misterius vois but not so misterus bkuz it wuz kum frun shurelok wholmes drest liek stanta klaws! he wip owt hiz vylin and start 2 play!!!!!1 jon haymush wotsun wuz allso dare, and he hadded a prisint 4 meriarty, lolz. he try 2 giv 2 king uv englond, but meriart nut trust him yit. teh narwal had brot hiz frenz tont dolfin and sherk, and everbud desyde 2 hav a danse pardy. evun lolstrod wuz alyve 2 danse bkuz he liek it so much!

nixt thing u no, sum1 punch meriarty in teh face tontly but jus kidding and say 'tweenkl wotsun' bekuz it wuz tweenkl wotsun and he alwaiz say that after he poonch ppl.

meriarty wuz confooz so jus et frootkaik.

'im serry, jon wotsun' sed mrs hudsin robot 'but this blong 2 my adoptid sun ' and she giv a prisint 2 tweenkl worsun (hoo had no tweenkl but u cood tell by him left hand). "MY TWEENKL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1' he say haply with an amownt uv cheer.

groot goste kame bkuz 2 danse but meriarty destroi him, lolz.

'i gess i wul taik that prizint now' sed meriarty and jon wotsun giv 2 him with a teer in hiz eye. he opind it and it a NOO FRIJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! meriarty wuz so mined bloan he faynt, got up agin and then faynt 3-5 mor tiems.

'i theenk' sed meriarty evun tho he faynt ' i theenk i fill teh Christmas sperit!'

'nut so fassed' sed a vois in bloo lite. it wuz spais shurelok with mally hoopr!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

'teh gangz all heer!' say jon wotsun joyus!

'i stil doant liek u but sinse u hav a danse pardy i gess we kan be frinds 2nite' sed spais shurl 2 meriart 'and allso mi and teh hare et all yor frinch toste jus so u no.'

meriarty wuz stil faynt so he nivvr no, but mally hoopr say 'that remined me! i got u a prizint!' she taik owt a box and giv 2 spais shurlok wholms with an amownt uv shy. spais shurlok opin it and shokkeled bkuz he no dat face!!! 'itz a frind 4 yor hare' she say, 'i gotted him on ebai.'

'but i solt my hare 2 git u THIS!' say spais shurelok and he epickly puld a sheet off an elektrond mikroskoap 4 mally hoopr!

'i sold my elektrund mikroskope 2 by u dat frend 4 yor hare!' say mally hoopr sheeping. spais shurl notiss sum missile toe and deside 2 kiss mally hoopr. yayz!

woh, gize, this end happle! wil thar b a cliffhainer?! reed teh nixt chptr 2 find out!!!!!

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