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Pipers POV

I was shaking my leg rapidly as I sat in Kira's dads class. I couldn't stop myself from trying to look back at Liam. I bit my lip and didn't bother looking up at Kira's dad. He hadn't as much as looked at me all day.

"Okay class have a good day no homework." He said looking at Liam and I. I looked down as no one else noticed what he had done. The bell rung and Liam didn't move. I stood up and turned to him.

"Liam?" I whispered with much regret only seconds later. I felt tears prick in my eyes as he looked up at me with blood shot eyes. I couldn't help myself, I leaned down and hugged him. He then latched himself onto me and began sobbing. I pulled him up and began stroking his head as he sobbed into my neck. Kira's dad left the room leaving us alone.

He let out a choke and now tears were running down my face. I didn't even know what was wrong but it hurt to breath because it felt as if I had been hit my train, seeing him in pain was the worst feeling ever. I laced my fingers into his and squeezed. His breathing then began to slow down and he pulled back his head and rested it on my forehead.

"I-I- I'm sorry P- piper." He stammered and I shook my head while almost biting through my lip. I was still crying and I couldn't stop. He reached up and wiped my eyes.

"A-are you- o-okay?" I stuttered and he closed his eyes tight before shaking it slowly and slightly. The bell rung threw out ears but neither of us acknowledged it.

"W-what's wrong?" He shook his head again and I placed my free had which wasn't tucked into his on his face.

"Come on." I whispered more talking to myself to get my shot together than pressuring him to talk to me. He took in a deep breath that also shook my body against his before speaking.

"I-I messed up. I had you- and n-now I don't. Pr-princess I m-miss you." He stuttered and I closed my eyes shut. I had missed his too but I wasn't sure if I could deal with another relationship. But then put of only pure bravery and confusion I found my lips on his, but it wasn't one of those movie kisses, it was wet and salty and out our lips were shaking and fumbling.

"I miss you too Liam." I then pushed my body from his and went running from the room. I leaned against the wall in the bathroom as my heart rate was still threw the roof. I held my head in my hands as I sobbed uncontrollably.

"God." I whispered and threw my head back against the wall. How could Liam say something like that? He hadn't messed up I had, I didn't let him explain what had happened. I guess I had sort or drive him to Hayden.

Liam had done so much for me and I had only pushed him away like I had when Aiden died. One thing goes wrong I push myself from people to keep myself from being hurt, but it never helped.

"Piper?" I didn't move as Lydia came into the bathroom. I only pulled my body closer to the wall. She took a seat next to me and was silent for a few seconds.

"What going on?" I sighed and took a deep breath. I let out a dry shaking chuckle. I looked at her with red puffy eyes and my head against the wall.

"I- Liam. I miss him so much." I sobbed and she nodded while glancing at me.

"I always liked you guys as a couple." She said a matter of fakely. I smiled slightly at her before nodding a little.

"I just feel like my life is kinda a mess, Lydia can I tell you something?" She turns and nods as if I should know that I can tell her anything.

"Ryan- he he wants Kate dead." I whispered while looking only at my hands. I knew she would be mad and I knew all the boys in the pack could hear me.

"So?" She asks because like a lot of people thought that she was evil and she is. But that wasn't all of it.

"And- fuck- and he told me that if I helped him that he would fix a problem of mine." I said still looking at my hands. My heart rate was rapid and honestly I felt like I was going to pass out.

"Problem?" She asked me and I but my lip, she knew I was nervous to continue but she was telling me to do it, to tell the story.

"H-Hayden. He got rid of her. She's- she's not dead. He moved her. Fuck." I sad running my hands over my face with hot tears flowing down my face, they would still not stop. Lydia just looked at me and I hit my head against the wall rapidly.

"Come on." She said and pulled my body up in my air and I did not have enough energy to fight he as she hauled my body up. She then led my shaking body out of the bathroom, the only people in the hall was the pack. Liam just started at me and I couldn't bare to look at him. I had my arms rapped around me and I was shaking rapidly.

"I-I'm sorry." I stammered with my eyes screwed shut and the only thing holding me up was Lydia's arms. I saw Ethan and Aiden come running down the hall shoving Scott, Stiles and Liam out of their way to meet me. Aiden looked to Lydia to figure out what was going on while Ethan pulled my body to his.

"I- I'm sorry" Ethan shushed me and rested my head on his chest. Aiden leaned on my other side as they both held my body up and kept telling me that I was okay, that everything would be okay.

"No it's not okay." I shoved the boys from me while everyone stared at me in shock. " I got ride of Hayden. She didn't do anything to me but I hated her. Because she had Liam after I ruined things between us- and I'm sorry." I turned my gaze to Liam. "I'm sorry."


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