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Piper's POV
A Week Later

I laid tracing up and down my arm as was in my bed. Liam had just gotten up and didn't think I was awake. He hadn't left my side all week. He thought I was sound asleep. I got up from my bed and made my way downstairs. Both my brothers had gone to school today for the first time in a week.

I began to make both Liam and I some food, I knew he like eggs so I quickly made him some while cutting myself some grapefruit. I once licked my fingers as I heard Liam's frantic feet running down the stairs. I heard him sigh in relief. I turned to see Liam in only sweatpants. I looked down as he came over and placed his hands on my hips before resting his head in my shoulder and nuzzling my neck

"You scared me." He sighed into my neck and I put his eggs onto a paper plate and grabbed him a clean fork. I sighed and mumbled an apology to him. As much as I loved having Liam with me I felt as if I was being smothered a bit.

"Thanks." He said grabbing the plate from me and placing a light kiss on my cheek. I bit my lip before grabbing our two Masson Jars from the counter, his has orange juice and mind water. I sat across from him and began picking at my grapefruit. Keeping my gaze on the food and not of him.

"How you feeling?" The same question that he asked me all the time. Most days we sat watching movies without a single word. But I knew today wouldn't be like that. Today he would want to talk.

"I'm good actually. Yourself?" I hated having small chat with Liam because it as hard loving someone and now being so distant. He shrugged and looked up at me. Staring.

My eyes became glossy as I saw him. I hated this so much. Liam was my everything and now I could barely look at him. He had seen me at my lowest and I didn't want pity, especially from him.

"Liam?" His eyes jetted up to meet mine as I spoke. I bit my lip once again as I still wasn't sure what to say.

"I don't like small talk." He chuckled and nodded.

"Good because I hate it. And Piper?" I looked up and smiled at him.

"I still love you." I was frozen in my spot as he spoke. There was no way that he did. A smile broke out on my face as I looked up at him. Liam was so kind and thoughtful. He was sweet and caring. Braze and scared. Angry but understanding.

"I love you to Liam. Always have." He smiled and set his fork down. He stood up and grabbed my hand. Pulling my body off the dinning chair and to him.

"Let's go out, like go to see a movie or something." He said with a smile, twisting my hair in his hand. I smile and nodded with my lip caught in my teeth. His head leaned on mine and his lips were still the same as I remembered. Soft, warm and inviting. I loved how his hands slide down to my hips but he wasn't groping me, but holding me.


"So how was your week break?" Brett asked as I stood by my locker, I froze as he spoke. Only a few people did know. My brothers, Liam, Lydia and Scott. Liam's eyes snapped to meet Brett. I gripped Liam's hand to calm him.

"It was fine thanks Brett." I knew he had been joking as he was shocked by our reactions. He headed off by kissing my cheek and running off. Liam glared at him as he left, I squeezed Liam's hand to get him to look at me.

"He was only asking." I insisted and Liam only grumbled in response before slipping his hand from mine and slamming his locker.

"He kissed you." He growled while gripping his own hands, I grabbed his hands and he looked me in the eyes. His eyes softened from red to a yellow then back to his blue.

"On the cheek. It doesn't mean anything Liam." I didn't know what Liam and I were but I don't want him mad at all. I liked when Liam was sweet and caring, but I knew that he could go from that to angry and hostile in less than a second.

"Okay." He said and laced his finger which mine tightly. I laid my head on his shoulder as we walked down the hall.

"I'll see you at lunch Liam." I said and pulled my face to his and kissed him on the cheek but let my head linger near his. I took in his scent and he nuzzled my neck. I giggled and pulled away.

"By princes." Then he turned to walk towards his class I watched as he walked with a slight kink in his step. He was short but still taller that me by at least 6 inches. Sometimes he was angry but never with me and always listened before freaking out and when he freaked out it was never on me.

His eyes sparkled like the water in the sea but I guess he was more of a tidal wave that was drowning me just enough to keep my head above water. But because their was so much you didn't know about the sea you were curious even of it did end up killing you, but in the end you still loved it.

And I still loved Liam.


The guy that I have a crush on just posted a picture of himself and his girlfriend for their one year anniversary even thought they don't belong together and she's a possessive bitch.

Lol sorry for rant

Instagram: @morganallen._ @princess.odair

Twitter: @carrotqueen459

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