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Piper's POV
(The Next Day)

"A what?" I asked Deaton to repeat for the third time because I still hadn't understood him. Liam stood next to where I sat on the counter.

"A Noveame. It's like this creature and its like a comelean. They can adapt the and mimic the powers of supernatural creatures they spend time with." My hand almost slipped from Liam's but he gripped my hand harder. I looked down at my hand which wasn't rapped in his.

"Babe?" Liam said and put his face closer to mine. My heart was racing and my palms were sweating. I pulled my hand from his and began pacing around the lab. My nails were being chewed off and I couldn't breath.

If I'm not a werewolf then how were Aiden and Ethan my brothers? Did they know of what I was and that I wasn't a werewolf? I ran my hands threw my hair while pulling at my hair. Hot tears soaked my face. I felt like I was having a heart attack.

"Piper." Liam's soft voice filled my ears as I sobbed. Then he took my hands in his and pulled me to my chest. I rapped my arms around his thin waist while his back was arched and his face in my neck.

"We're going to figure this out princess." Liam said and I looked up with puffy eyes at him. "Together." A small smiled pulled on my face.

"Everything that I have ever known about myself if a lie." I said and my voice cracked. Liam's face creased as my voice broke. He smiled and placed his lips on mine. But only for a second before he pulled back and placed his forehead on mine.

"Babe. Your my only a werewolf- or so you thought. Your so much more than that. Your smart but you hide it like Lydia and you care more about your loved ones than yourself which is why you need someone to protect you. And I love everything about you. You. Are. Not. Only. A. Werewolf. You are Piper." I nodded and quickly smiled at him.

"Do you think my brothers know?" I croaked out and Liam looked down at my lips for merly a second before looking at my eyes.

"No." He said without a second of doubt. I nodded and pulled from him and whipped my eyes before glancing at Deaton. I flashed him a smile.

"I'm sorry." Deaton waved us off and I looked away with my lips pressed in a hard line. I intertwined my fingers with Liam's before we walked out of the Deatons office. But I then ran into Scott who was with Stiles. The boys shared a glance before giving Liam and I a confused look.

"What are you two doing?" Scott asked and I looked down at the ground and Liam stammered before answering Scott.

"We had a question about....." Liam drew confused and not sure of what to say.

"Periods." I blurted out and both Scott and Stiles eyes widened before looking down at the ground. Stiles scratched the back of his neck and opened his mouth before closing it and pointing and walking around Liam and I, into Deatons office. Scott followed his lead. I laughed and hoped onto my bike with Liam on the back. Resting his head on my shoulder.

We drove away from Deatons and back to my house. Liam never really did wear a helmet as much as I told him he should as that I had an extra for him. I hurled my leg over the seat and took off my helmet before going inside with my hand linked with Liam's.

"Where were you two love birds all day?" I saw Aiden sitting in the living room only looking at the TV as he could hear every movement we made. I rolled my eyes and I heard a rumble down the stairs and Ethan appeared on the couch next to Aiden.

"Went on a date." I lied with my lips pressed hard. The boys both nodded and I rolled my eyes at them. I then began pulling Liam up the stairs. I was angry that my so called brothers didn't even look at me when I came in.

I slammed the door shut and shoved Liam's body against the bed. He looked shocked as I threw my legs over his hips and slammed my lips to his. He gripped my hips before moving his hands to my face and pulled my away.

"Babe." I growled and tired to move back for a kiss but Liam only flipped us so he was on top of me.

"I know your upset but we are not doing this." I then shoved his chest and he went flying across the room. He hit the wall and fell to the ground. My mouth flew to my mouth.

"Liam!" I yelled out and he looked up with a smile as the door burst open to see my brothers with equally shocked faces as me.

"Are you okay?" I asked frantically as he pushed his body off the ground. I had been aggravated and threw him.

"I'm fine." He said gripping my hips and I nodded while resting my head on my chest. I was a monster. I couldn't control myself and I was going to get everyone hurt.


Wellllllllll....... now we know what Piper is and yes I made up the name for it. COPY RIGHTED!

Instagram: @morganallen._ @princess.odair

Twitter: @carrotqueen459

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