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Pipers POV

"To bring back the dead you need a sacrifice or the claws of a Noveame." I sighed looking at the words that followed. "This is almost the same thing because the Noveame dies without his claws." I then ran my hand down my face. "You need the body of the dead and the place the nails of the Noveame under the nails of the dead body. When the Noveame the dead will be risen." I closed the book and shoved it back into the shelf.

"Hey Piper." I spun and saw Mason, I sighed looking at him. "What's up?" Mason asked me as he looked over his shoulder as if looking to get away from me.

"Just looking for something for my history project." That was a believable lie because we did actually have a history project that I probably wouldn't end up doing but Mason didn't need to know that. "What about you?" I asked him and he jammed his hands into his pockets.

"Waiting for Liam actually we've got to- um- study." I could tell he was lying but didn't push it. I had other thugs to do then wonder what Liam and Mason were actually doing in the library. "Oh there he is." Mason said, my head shooting up to see Liam walking threw the doors of the library. When he saw me Liam seemed to freeze but then continued to walk like nothing was going on.

"Hey Pip, what are you doing here?" I was a better liar then Liam, it's a girl thing. I smiled at him while he placed an arm around my voice.

"Looking around is all, Mason said your studying?" I asked him running a hand down his back. Liam glanced at his dark skinned friend before letting his eyes flicker back to me with a fake smile and he smiled at me.

"Yeah, I'll see too tomorrow yeah?" Liam asked me and I could tell that he and Mason were doing they didn't want me to know about so I let it slip because I was in fact doing to same thing. I looked over him and sighed. I knew he wouldn't see me tomorrow, tomorrow I would be dead and Allison would be back. "Piper?" Liam asked me with concern laced in his voice.

"Yeah, I love you Li." I placed my lips onto his and he fell into the kiss not realizing this would be the last time he felt my lips on his. I closed my eyes and blinked away the tears that were rising. "Bye Liam." The next thing I knew I was running from the library with glossy eyes and Liam nor Mason followed me, not noticing the obviously noticeable distress I was in.

In order to bring back Allison I needed her body, I was sure that Chris wouldn't be too mad if it was to bring her back. I had to dig her body up. I really hoped that no one was there when I got there. Walking into a cemetery with a shovel was ridiculously obvious to my intentions. The new owner of the cemetery wasn't anyone that I knew considering that the Kanima killed the last owner, Isaac's dad. Who I honestly didn't miss at all.

"I'm coming Allie." I mumbled as I began to shovel out dirt from ontop of her coffin. I noticed a pen next to her headstone and I knew it was Scott who had come. She insisted on being buried next to her mother. "Shit." I mumbled as I got a sliver while pulling the coffin from the ground. I sat next to coffin for as long as I could remember.

I would miss Lydia who had let me become one of her best friends and always stood by me.

I would miss Aiden and Ethan even if they were mad at me now.

I would miss Brett who was the only person who stood by me during the worst year of my life.

I would miss Scott who always looked out for me even if I didn't always believe he was.

I would miss Stiles who although didn't like me at first he was a good comical relief.

I would miss Deaton who was the only person who could tell me the truth even if I hated it.

I would miss Kira who although wasn't Scott's first was great to him. Sure she was shy but she was nice.

I would miss Mason, even though we weren't very close he was Liams best friend and I hoped he would take care of Liam.

I would miss Derek who was overprotective but was afraid to loose anyone.

I would miss Liam. Liam who was my anchor and that I loved. Liam who was my world and sure had a temper but loved me.

"Here goes nothing." I mumbled and began pulling out the claw on my thumb. Pain ripped through my body, I felt like I was sick. My head spun while I pulled out the third nail and shoved it under Allison's skin. Her body hadn't reacted yet but I wasn't worried because it wasn't supposed to happen while I was alive.

"Piper!" I heard a faint voice as I pulled out my last nail, my last claw, I was slipping from consciousness. I jammed the nail into Allison's skin and saw a purple light and another yell. I had brought Allison back to life.


Yep. Last chapter.


Instagram: @morganallen._ @agent.fangirl

Twitter: @carrotuqeen459

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