Chapter 4

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We lie in my bed for a couple of hours talking until my stomach rumbles with embarrassing volume and I hide my face under the covers.

"How about dinner? You never did tell me whether you had plans."

"I don't. Dinner would be nice, there's a cute cafe down the road that makes amazing hamburgers. Then I can drive you home if you like?"

"Just to the ferry is fine, really."

"Ok. I guess I should find some clothes."

He pouts and then leans toward me and I suck his bottom lip between mine.

"Can we... can I see you again later in the week?"

"I hope so."

It's cold outside but nothing like what Chris is used to. An icy white moon hangs in the clear night sky and by the time we finish dinner stars are twinkling through the smooth pitch black and a bone-chilling breeze is blowing across the water. As we leave the cafe and start down the alley into the carpark he presses my back against the brick wall and kisses me hard and fast enough that I'm suddenly warmed from the inside and out of breath.

He brushes my lips with his thumb and then smiles. "Sorry. I've wanted to do that all evening but I think we should keep it out of public places."

"So you're going for round two in an alley? I have a reputation to uphold in this community, Boston boy."

He blushes and looks down at his hands as they clasp mine. "I wouldn't... you know I wouldn't, right?"

"Yes. I'd hope you have better control over your impulses."

"I do. I've had a really great time today, Amelia. God there's nothing I can say that doesn't sound like 'thanks for the awesome sex'."

"Well then you're welcome," I say with a little hesitation. "I had a great day, too. And I know that's not what you mean. We should get going so you don't have to wait too long for a ferry."

I put my hand behind his neck and kiss his soft, full lips gently, flicking my tongue over his mouth before I pull away. When we pull up at the ferry terminal he comes around to my door and kisses me again, this time short and sweet, and walks toward the waiting ferry. I'm almost ashamed to admit how long I watch him walk away, but I find myself quite mesmerised by his back, shoulders and ass just as I am by his eyes.

That's just balanced appreciation, right?

I'm lying in bed wishing Nina would stop snoring at my feet when my phone buzzes and her sleep is disrupted by the noise.

[I just wanted to explain, I'm not at all bothered by being seen with you. I don't want you to be asked questions or bothered by media, and since you have a bit of a profile I know they would. Sweet dreams xx]

I chuckle and type a reply. [You worry too much, Boston. I understand. Good night, I'll see you soon.]

[I hope so ;)]

[Thank you, by the way. Your timing was perfect, I've been nudging Nina with my foot so she'd stop snoring and your message woke her up. Now I can go to sleep!]

[Haha you're welcome. I totally planned that.]

The following morning Meg brings in the Aussie Shepherd I saw over the weekend as soon as I can fit her in.

"How's the cough?" I ask, lifting her on to the table.

"It's fine, improved heaps since Saturday. But uh, I noticed her nipples this morning and now I have another concern."

Animal Magnetism [Chris Evans]Where stories live. Discover now