Chapter 14

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When I mentioned returning to work a few days ago Kat insisted on taking the puppies during my work hours. She and the boys have been a godsend so far and they're better protected from illness there than in the surgery with me so I graciously accepted her offer. On Sunday morning I'm surprised when she knocks on the door to pick them up and informs me that Chris has asked her to have them overnight before she starts taking them during the day on Tuesday.

"I'm taking Nina and Olly as well," she says with a knowing smile. "You two have a nice day."

"Kat, what's going on?"

"I don't know the specifics, Amelia."

"Sure you don't."

She stays silent but winks on her way out the door and I find Chris sipping a coffee in the kitchen with a cheeky grin on his face.

"What are you planning, Boston?"

"Just taking you for myself for the day. And maybe the night. I have a late start tomorrow so I was hoping you might spend the night at mine?"

"OK, but those puppies are my responsibility. I can't just dump them on Kat."

"You're not, she was happy to have them. It's one night in weeks, and you need it."

I give in with a sigh. "Alright. Where are we going?"

"You'll see. Get dressed, we're getting the next ferry."

Salty wind whips my hair around my face on the back deck of the ferry. Chris stands behind me with his hands resting on my hips.

"Would it bother you if people knew about us? Not that anyone cares that much about who I'm dating, especially here."

"Mm... not really, no. Why?"

He brushes my hair to one side and I feel his stubble scratch my neck. "If it did I wouldn't do this in public." His soft lips linger on my neck for a couple of seconds before he spins me around and put his arms tight around me to kiss my mouth. "Or that," he says as he pulls away.

"Then I'm absolutely fine with it. Tell anyone who will listen."

Chris leans back a little and laughs, watching the water disappear behind us as we head for Circular Quay and the ferry wharf.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"For lunch. I've got a place in mind." He takes my hand and starts telling me more about the new movie – we've had so little time to talk lately I have a lot to catch up on. Without realising how long we've walked the conversation has moved on to family and Christmas, which reminds me my family is having a barbecue next weekend.

"Do you want to come?" The words are out of my mouth before I can catch them, like a bug that flies out of your hands when you try to peek in. "If you want to, I mean. It's not a big-"

"I'd love to."



The throng of people surrounding us has grown steadily thicker and I've been so busy talking and following Chris's lead I haven't paid attention to landmarks along the way.

I see one now and it stops me in my tracks, causing two people to almost fall over me and another to curse me under his breath.

Without a doubt I know where we are, I don't need to see a street sign or a building. We're almost in the centre of the city, on the same street as the studios where I was held hostage.

"Amelia," Chris's hand is so tight on mine it's painful, like he's afraid I'll run. "I'm here, and we're just walking. We're not going all the way, and you're safe. I promise. I've got you."

Animal Magnetism [Chris Evans]Where stories live. Discover now